Development Cooperation Handbook/Interviews/Mahmoud Abul-Huda Alhussainy

Testimonials - Development Cooperation Handbook Steps and Tools

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Dr. Mahmoud Abul-Huda Alhussainyi
The interview was taken on August 2011 in Aleppo, Syria
Physician and a Sufi scholar Aleppo, Syria, Aug. 2011

In Syria now, it is a time of division, violence and suffering. When we were there in November 2010 and in August 2011, we recorded many stories of cooperation and development. Nowadays, only sad and violent stories are narrated about this wonderful country. What then shall we do with these stories we collected in Syria in what now seems to be a different "age" altogether? Well, we decided to re-edit the videos we had made, include them in the Handbook we are developing and share them through the Internet. These videos will help us remember what Syria was before the civil war. And we hope that these stories will help restore trust amongst communities in Syria, and build, amongst those who love this country, the motivation to do whatever they can to restore peace and cooperation.

Mahmoud Abul-Huda Alhussainy is an Syran Doctor and a Sufi scholar
The interview was taken on August 2011 in Aleppo, Syria
We were introduced to him by Paolo Dall'Oglio who translated in Italian his interview

The NGOs that deal with organizing the prayer the study of Islamic sciences generally are "official" NGOs

These "official organizations are like cages that enclose the persons in roles and activities that have specific delimitation

instead the action space for the "non official" NGOs is much wider and tend towards universality

Mahmoud Abul-Huda Alhussainy - Spiritualita e armoniosita sociale
Mahmoud Abul-Huda Alhussainy - Spirituality and sociality

The charity. It is generosity, it is altruism it is capacity to enjoy the pleasure of sharing my possessions with others. Charity comes in me when the spirituality increases and enriches me with sense of responsibility for my neighbor.

When spirituality increases in me I become generous with those who are poor, with those who are ill, with those who do not have enough resources to live with dignity.

Mahmoud Abul-Huda Alhussainy - La spiritualità ci rende cittadini più responsabili e solidali
Mahmoud Abul-Huda Alhussainy - A spiritual person better person in society and work

When spirituality increases the society becomes more harmonious, more just, more beautiful.

When spirituality diminishes conflicts increase.

Such a stand of solidarity with others is totally independent to any allegiance to any specific religion.

When my spirituality is solid, is well rooted in me it expresses itself as solidarity to others independently to their ethnic or religious identities.

Mahmoud Abul-Huda Alhussainy - ONG violente bene organizzate e forti - ONG per la pace deboli e divise
Mahmoud Abul-Huda Alhussainy - ONG that are violent are well organized internationally - unlikee peace building ONGs

It is very painful to take notice to the fact that some organizations like Al Qaida , that have a violent approach to religion are well organized international. while the organizations that are building what we really need that promote peace and spiritual are much less funded and do not receive international attention

Mahmoud Abul-Huda Alhussainy media serves political-economic interests

Unfortunately in the majority of the cases Unfortunately in most the cases medias are not serving peace but the economical and political interests of those who are in power

What we need to do is an open accesses to the those media that work for peace education.


 Abolhoda NGO web site
 Free Halab:The Friday of Self Defence (January 2012)

Mahmoud Abul-Huda Alhussainy- We need a universal dialogue.
Mahmoud Abul-Huda Alhussainy - final message - Abbiamo bisogno di un dialogo universale