Adventures of Lolo 2 (Japanese)/Level 17

This chapter discusses the solutions to level 17.



The first level of the big castle requires a lot of manipulation of the alternate respawn points. It is pretty tricky, so follow closely.

  • Get the nearby heart and push the left Gol left above the Medusa. Get the heart over the egg then push the egg left into the water. Push the EF in the top right onto this Gol's starting space.
  • Go back to the top right area. Push the lower Gol down 2 spaces.
  • Shoot and push the upper of the 2 Gols on the left to the right of the top left Medusa, getting the heart on the way.
  • Go to the up-facing Gols. Push the left one left and up under the Medusa. Avoid the Don on the bottom.
  • Get the heart on the left side and push the EF down to trap Don in the lower left corner.
  • Go back to the top right and push the EF right and down between the trees above that little section of water.
  • Here comes a tricky sequence: Go down to the 2 Gols in the middle right area. Shoot the left one and push it left one space, then up and right into that small section of water on the wall. Wait a few seconds, then shoot and push the right one 2 spaces left. If you do this right, the Gol will respawn on the bottom by the water. Quickly move the egg up and into the water on the right wall. Go down to the lower right, shoot and push the Gol down and left over the Medusa.
  • The other Gol will respawn down here. Push it left of the Medusa. Go up to the top right and push the EF down 2 spaces and left 2 spaces.
  • Go to the lower area and cross the water with the Gol to get the heart, cross back. This Gol will respawn in the lower right area.
  • Push the other up-facing Gol to the left of the upper Medusa.
  • Push the Gol right of the lower right Medusa and get the last heart.
  • Push the EF left and down to block the Don that's on the bottom. Get the treasure chest.



A little tricky. Though with my solution, you can actually have 5 shots remaining before getting the chest.

  • Get the nearby heart to the left. Shoot and push the Snakey down 1 space, get the heart to the left, then push the egg down into the water and push the EF down and to the left.
  • Go back around into the middle area and stand right of where the Snakey will respawn. Shoot and push it left into the water, moving the EF left 1 space. Cross back.
  • Go around, push the EF down and then push it back up and under the top left Medusa.
  • Push the EF above the lower Snakey left 2 spaces.
  • Shoot and push this Snakey down and left of the Don. Get the heart and shoot the egg again. While the Snakey is gone, push the EF you moved a little bit ago down and right, just under the water that's under the right Snakey.
  • When the Snakey respawns, shoot and push it right into the water under the other Snakey. Shoot this Snakey up and cross, getting the 2 hearts in that column (leave the third), then cross back. Get the heart that's between the 2 arrows too.
  • When the lower Snakey respawns, shoot and push it down and pin the Don against the tree. Move the EF right 1, get the heart, push the EF left over the Don. Shoot the egg from above and move left over the EF. You actually don't even need to do it that fast, due to extra shots.
  • When the Snakey respawns shoot and push it left above the bottom left Medusa. Get the heart and shoot the egg again.
  • When the same Snakey respawns, shoot and push it left and up, right of the top left Medusa. Get the last heart.
  • To get the chest, go to the top right, wait for Don to tap the wall, then move down. If you time it just right, you can actually reach the chest just in time. However, to be safer, you can also go down, move a half space left over on the right arrow, and wait for Don to tap the wall again, then get the chest. I recommend the safer way.



This is a hard one. It not only needs manipulation of the Alma's AI, but also using half spaces around the Don Medusa.

  • Get the heart closest to you. Shoot and push the lower right Gol down and push the EF over the bottom right Medusa.
  • Push the EF in the lower middle area 2 spaces left.
  • Here comes an action sequence: Shoot and push the Gol facing right (next to the treasure chest) up and under the Don Medusa and get the heart that's under the rock. Quickly go down and push the up facing Gol left one space. Face up, shoot the Gol's egg under the Don and move left. Push the other egg a half space over the treasure chest.
  • Push the lower left EF all the way up under the tree, then right and up next to the same tree.
  • Here comes a strange sequence: Stand a half space under the down arrow and wait for the Alma to start rolling left. When it's safe, move down. The Alma should be walking mainly in the lower area of the top right. If this is happening, proceed. If not, keep trying to align it.
  • Here comes a tricky sequence: Go right. You need to time it so the Alma is under the top right Medusa. Shoot and push the Gol left into the water when the Alma is there and push the EF down. * Do NOT get the heart left of this water space.
  • Push this EF down and left next to the bottom left rock. Now push it up to 2 spaces under the tree.
  • If the Alma is still following the behavior of staying in the lower area, try to stand below it so that it goes back into the upper area again.
  • Here comes a tricky sequence: Shoot and push the Gol that's left of the chest under the water space. When the Alma enters the upper area, push the egg up and cross. Get the heart that's closest to the Medusa for shots. Move a space down and wait for Alma to come down next to you and shoot it. Push it left by the water, get the 2 hearts. When the Don is below the EF, cross with the egg and push the EF over the Don. Move it the half space down to keep the Don in place.
  • The half space protects you from the Don. Move left and down through the down arrow. Push the EF right of the tree all the way up by the heart.
  • Walk left and down around the other EF, push it left one space. Shoot and push the Gol by the chest up so it covers Don a half space on his bottom.
  • Push the EF onto the down arrow and then left. Get the heart down below.
  • Wait for Alma to walk in front of the top right Medusa. When it's far enough away, get the heart and run to the chest. You might need to stand below the Alma again to get it to walk up there.



This one is also quite hard. Knowing when to trap the Dons is key.

  • Go up and get the heart by the left arrow. Push the EF that is left of where you start down 1 space.
  • Go down and push the EF right of the Skull down one space. Shoot and push the Skull left above the Don. Get the heart. Move up along the wall past the EF and shoot the egg again. Immediately move right and down a half space to protect yourself from both Dons.
  • When the Don on the left is up and it's clear, push the EF left and up to trap it in the top corner.
  • Go down and push the EF over the lower Medusa.
  • Go right by the water area and push the EF down across the bridge 3 spaces.
  • Go back left and shoot the Skull and push it into the water directly right, moving the EF 1 space right, over the other EF. Stay on this side of the water.
  • Here comes a tricky sequence: Move the lower EF 1 space right. Move the upper one onto the bridge and move away to avoid the Don. When the Don taps the heart, immediately move right and push the EF 1 space past the heart then walk halfway onto the heart to avoid both Dons. Keep pushing this EF straight up until it's in the same row as the Medusa on the right. Be sure to avoid both Dons when doing this.
  • Move to the upper area by the Snakey. Push the upper EF left and onto the left arrow. Get the heart that's near the treasure chest.
  • Shoot and push the Snakey right one space. Push the EF left of the egg right 2 spaces and down 1 space. When the right Don comes up, push the egg under it to trap it by the rock.
  • Push the EF left of the Medusa right 1 space. Push the other EF under the same Medusa.
  • Go down from here and push the EF to the right of the lower Don. Get the heart. Push the EF in the row over this Don a half space left. Get the heart above the water.
  • Shoot and push the central Skull above the right Medusa, get the top right heart. Push the EF by the tree up a half space to keep this Skull trapped in the top right area.
  • Shoot the lower Skull left of the Medusa, get the heart and shoot the egg again.
  • When the Skull respawns, put it right of the same Medusa and push the EF over the Medusa a half space right to keep the Skull in place.
  • Go back by the lower Don and carefully push the EF over it another half space left. Go around and push it down to trap it in place. Get the last heart and get the chest.



4 Dons, though they are all fairly well-blocked by hearts and rocks. The top left one is the main one to watch at some points. This is the only level in 17 to have a power too.

  • Don't get the heart below you yet. Instead, go up and get the heart between the trees.

Here comes a tricky action sequence: Shoot and push the top left Snakey down 1 space when the Don passes. Before pushing the egg into the water, move under the rock and wait for the Don to pass again. Push the egg down and cross.

  • Go left and under the top 2 EFs. Push the left one up 2 spaces onto the crumbling bridge and push the right one up and right 1 space. Push the left one across the crumbling bridge and onto the Snakey's spot. It will respawn in the bottom right area. Push the EF right 1 space, move up and around and push the EF left a half space.
  • Go to the lower right area. Shoot the Snakey that respawned down here left and down into the water to get under the 2 EFs. Push the left one up and right and down onto the Snakey's respawn point, 2 spaces left of the rock. It will respawn in the top right area. Push this same EF up one space.
  • Shoot and push the Snakey that's by the lower right under the Don, to trap it between the egg and heart. Get the lower heart. The upper one can shield you from the Don for the next step.
  • Shoot the egg again from the left and move down. Push the EF onto this Snakey's spot. It will respawn back in the lower right just like the first one. Get the upper heart now and push the EF that's on this Snakey's spot up 3 spaces. Carefully move back down left of the rock.
  • Watch the Don on the right as you shoot and push this Snakey across the lower water like before and push the other EF across the crumbling bridge. It will crumble away. Push it right and over the Don to trap it in the bottom right.
  • Go up and trap the upper Don on the right wall with the EF you moved earlier.
  • Get the 2 hearts touching the Snakey in the top right. Go under the Snakey for cover when you take the one left of it. When it's safe, walk left 3 spaces and get the heart above you. Get the heart in the middle of the room if you haven't yet. You should have your hammer power now.
  • Push the EF that's a half space left of the trees left under the rock then right and up to trap the top right Don in the corner.
  • Use the hammer on the rock closest to the middle of the room. It's 1 space right of where you start. This will allow you to do the next step.
  • Shoot and push the Snakey in the bottom right up, left, up and left again so it's in the 2nd row, 1 space above and between the rock and tree. It should hatch soon. Shoot the Snakey up to block the top left Don. Get the heart, shoot the egg again and take cover by the rock. When the Don moves right, get the chest.



This one isn't quite as hard as the previous rooms, really. Only one small spot you need to time correctly.

  • Get the heart that's 2 spaces under the heart right of you.
  • Go left and over the Snakey. Shoot and push it down and then left, over the Medusa. Get the heart that's over the egg now.
  • Go back up and right to where the 2 Snakeys are. Move under the right one and shoot it twice. Go back down and left of the other one. Wait a few seconds then shoot and push it onto the the spot of the other one. When you see it respawn elsewhere under the chest, move the egg right and trap the Don in the upper corner. Get all the hearts that are in this Don's column.
  • Shoot the Snakey that's over the chest twice. Walk onto the chest and wait for it to respawn. When it does, shoot and push it under the upper Medusa and get the heart under it.
  • Go left and down. Shoot the Snakey that's blocking the bottom left area twice. Get the heart and wait left of its respawn spot. When it comes back, shoot and push it to the right of the bottom left Medusa.
  • Shoot the Snakey blocking the middle area twice. Shoot and push it left of the bottom right Medusa. Get the heart between the Medusas.
  • Go back up and get the heart on the left wall when the Don is away. Shoot the Snakey up and trap this Don on the left wall. Get the last heart and get the chest.



A tricky one. The ending sequence is the hardest part.

  • Go right and wait for the Leeper to tap the grass, then move right and push the EF down 1.5 spaces. The Leeper will not turn and touch you and this will keep the Don on the right from hitting you. When it's safe, push this EF down and over the lower right Medusa. Get the heart over it.
  • Shoot the Leeper and push the egg to trap the upper Don in the right corner. Wait by the egg to put the Leeper to sleep and to keep the Don there. Get the heart to the left of the Don.
  • Here comes an action sequence: Go to the 2 Snakeys on the right. Shoot and push the lower one right, go around, get the heart, push the egg up and trap the Don there. Shoot the other Snakey and push it down and right of the Medusa. Get the heart on the right. Face up and shoot the egg under the Don again and move left under the rock. Move up to the left of the rock and shoot the other egg again.
  • When the 2 Snakeys respawn, shoot the upper one and push it right and over the Don and trap this * Don in the bottom right corner. Shoot and push the other Snakey left of the Medusa.
  • Go up across the crumbling bridge and push the EF up and to the right of the top left Medusa.

Shoot the Snakey in this area up and over the Medusa. Get the top left heart and shoot the egg again. Get the heart under the EF.

  • Go to the bottom left Snakey. Do not cross the crumbling bridge. Shoot and push this Snakey left and a half space over the bottom left Medusa. Not completely over it.
  • Here comes the hardest part of the level: Go the long way around to the top left Snakey. Shoot and push it left 2 spaces and get the heart. Shoot the egg again. Wait a few seconds and shoot the bottom left Snakey twice. The half space from earlier allows you to do this safely. Immediately go left of the top Snakey. When it respawns, wait a few more seconds. Shoot and push it down across the crumbling bridge and left, just under the water spot left of the heart. The lower Snakey should respawn very soon. Shoot it left into the water and push the other Snakey egg down next to the Medusa. Get the heart and get the chest.



This room is very tricky in how you need to position the lower Don Medusa at the end. It's all about half space technicalities.

  • Move the EF that's right of you down and over the bottom right Medusa. Get the heart.
  • Go to the lower Snakey. Shoot and push it and trap the Don against the bottom left heart.
  • Move the EF that was over this Snakey right and down and put it a half space left of the Medusa. Do not push it all the way next to it. You'll see why later.
  • Here comes an action sequence: Go up to the upper Snakey. Shoot and push it left and over the Don. Get the heart above it, push the egg down 1 space, push the lower of the 2 EFs up against the top wall to the right of the top left Medusa. Move down and shoot the egg again. Immediately move right of the other EF. Push this EF down and seal the Don next to the rock. Get the heart under the exit door and walk down under where the Snakey's spot is. (to the right of the left arrow)
  • Go across the bridge, push the EF down one space and go back. Wait for the Snakey to respawn. Wait under it.
  • Shoot and push the Snakey up to the top right Medusa. Push it a half space up to get the heart on the left then shoot the egg again. The half space gives you the ability to shoot the egg from the left without getting hit by the Medusa.
  • When the upper Snakey respawns, shoot it down 2 spaces.
  • Go around to the lower area. Shoot the Snakey blocking the lower Don twice and move up over the EF. When Don passes by, push the EF down and trap the Don between the 2 EFs. The half spaces will protect you from this Don later. Get the bottom left heart.
  • Go up and shoot the upper Snakey you moved a little bit ago and push it left. Get the other heart on the left wall and shoot the egg again. Wait under the Snakey's spot.
  • When the Snaky respawns, situate it under the top right Medusa and get the heart.
  • Go left and down to the lower Snakey. Since Don is a half space in, this allows you to safely shoot it and push it up into the water under the treasure chest.



This is actually one of the easier ones in level 17. Really, no major difficult tricks here. The top left heart is the one to save for last, however.

  • In the stack of 3 EFs above you, push the rightmost one up 1 space.
  • Push the EF by the bridge to the right across it and onto the grass patch.
  • Go left and get the heart between the 2 EFs and push the EF below you down and over the bottom left Medusa.
  • Using the leftmost Skull, shoot and push it up across the bridge and then to the right directly into the water. This is directional water and will carry you 1 space right so you can be over the EF that's on the grass patch. Push this EF down to keep the horizontal Don trapped under the 2 rocks.
  • Go back and using the same Skull, push it up and into the water spot in the top left to get over the EFs. Do not get the top left heart. Push the left EF down across the bridge and onto the Skull's respawn point. It will respawn in the top right. Push this EF to block the horizontal Don on its left. Get the heart.
  • Go to the top right above the Skull. Shoot it and trap the vertical Don against the rock below it. Get the nearby heart.
  • Go back to the top left to the 2 free EFs. Push the right one down and to the right of the top Medusa. Get the top right heart.
  • Push the other free EF to the right of the bottom left Medusa.
  • With the 2 Skulls, shoot the top one and push it so it covers Don a half space between the trees. Push the other one so it covers a half space above the right arrow. You'll need this to get back.
  • Get the top left heart and get the chest.



This is it. The final level of the game. Notice H-A-L spelled in the water, for HAL Laboratory, the makers of the game. Perhaps they wanted to get their name in the level or maybe it's a salute to your efforts. In any event, the level's fairly tricky. This is also the only level in 17 to not feature a Don Medusa.

  • Get the hearts inside the "H", under the Snakey, and above the middle left Snakey.
  • Go down and shoot the bottom left Snakey and cross into the water to get the heart under the "A".
  • Shoot the middle left Snakey and put him under the middle Medusa. Get the nearby heart.
  • Shoot and push the middle right Snakey into the water to get the heart inside the "A". Cross back. Shoot and push the same Snakey right of the middle Medusa. Get the heart.
  • Go to the bottom right area. Shoot and push the Snakey up and right to the wall and up into the water. Push the EF up. Wait for this Snakey to respawn before proceeding.
  • Shoot the Snakey up and right under the top right Medusa and get the heart. Shoot the egg again. Before this Snakey respawns, go around to the bottom right Snakey. Shoot and push it up into the water to push the other EF up and over one space where the right Snakey will respawn. Go back down and push the right EF all the way up under the top right Medusa.
  • Push the EF left 2 spaces and down 2 spaces. Shoot and push the right Snakey down and left and push the EF left one space.
  • Go back right. Shoot and push the right Snakey up and left of the top right Medusa.
  • Go to the lower right area. Shoot and push this Snakey up and above the central Medusa.
  • Shoot the Snakey that's right of the central Medusa twice.
  • When this Snakey respawns, shoot and push it left of the central Medusa. Get the heart.
  • Go to the lower left. Shoot and push this Snakey right and all the up to the right of the top left Medusa. Get the heart up top.
  • Move the EF in the middle left and up under the Snakey in the top left.
  • Shoot the Snakey left of the central Medusa twice. Wait for it to respawn.
  • Here comes a tricky action sequence: Shoot the Snakey and push it to the right of the central Medusa, but stop when it covers the bottom half space. Keep moving up and left. Push the EF under the top left Medusa, quickly go back and shoot the egg a second time. The half space on the bottom will allow you to shoot it from the right safely.
  • When the Snakey respawns, shoot and push it left into the water to get the treasure chest. Last puzzle complete!
Adventures of Lolo 2 (Japanese) - Navigation of map solutions by level
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Level 10 - Level 11 - Level 12 - Level 13 - Level 14 - Level 15 - Level 16 - Level 17

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