RAC Attack - Oracle Cluster Database at Home/Copy VM
Prev: Linux Install
Create Cluster (e)
- Create Interconnect
- Create Shared Disks
- Copy VM
- Configure Disks
- Configure Node 1
- Configure Node 2
- SSH and CVU
Next: Grid Install (ASM or Shared Filesystem)
In Windows Explorer, browse to the folder [RAC11g] \collabn1. Copy all of the files to the folder [RAC11g] \collabn2.
- The location of [RAC11g] was determined in the first lab. In a class, the instructor may provide the location.
- If the collabn2 folder does not exist, then create it.
Browse to [RAC11g] \collabn2. Edit the file collabn1.vmx (the VMware Configuration File). You can use notepad or wordpad to edit the file.
Find the line displayName and change it to collabn2 (the new node name), then save and close the file.
displayName = "collabn2"