
Neapolitan Primer

Ll'alleverènzia (greetings)

English Neapolitan
hi/hello cia', uè (guè)
good morning bòna jurnàta, bongiorno, bonnì
good evening bonasèra
good night bonanòtte
see you soon ce verimmo
goodbye, be well stàtte/stàteve bbuóno

This is just the grammatical form of Neapolitan's greetings. Because, for their civility, Neapolitans are very friendly when they greet, so you will have a very long greet, for example:

"Uè Gennà, comme staje, 'a quantu tiempo ca nun ce sentimmo, tutto 'a posto, â casa tutt'a posto, mugliereta, mammeta, figlieta? Jammece 'a piglià nu cafè, però pav'io, nun mettere 'a mana ô portafoglio! Mamma e comme te sî fatto bello, ecc...." The greet can also last longer, because, as explained earlier, Neapolitans are very friendly people.