Final Fantasy VII/Walkthrough/Weapon Raid at Midgar and Requiem for Shin-Ra

More Wisdom from Bugenhagen


The point, as of now, is to go back to the Forgotten Capital with Bugenhagen.

In the Forgotten Capital, you find a lot of Ancients-related stuff - and when you head to the left city parts, you find some sort of round area with a lot of mysterious stuff in the center. Bugenhagen is very interested of it.

After some crypticism, he tells that the key to unlocking this place's mysteries can be found from where the sun doesn't... um... I think it's taken literally this time. Anyway, I think it's best at this point to just go looking for the key yourself; the whole scene here is quite anti-climatic if you just do it by the book. Actually, it's pretty flat either way, but at least you accomplish something.

Still want some direct clues? Submarine. Below sea. Northernmost continent. Secure bay. Hidden underwater cave under the continental shelf. Key to the Ancients.

As you return, Bugenhagen shows you some more of the amazing cutscene videos.

As you leave, Cait Sith calls. Apparently, Shin-Ra has moved the Junon cannon to Midgar. So that's what was missing from Junon.

Big thing's coming this way!


As you leave for Highwind, something big shows up. A gigantic big Weapon appears out of nowhere and heads toward Midgar!

Not a big deal. Just head to the shore, wait for the Weapon to get there, and...

Diamond Weapon
Lv: ???, HP: 30000, MP: ?, Weaknesses: Lightning, Strong against: Gravity, Poison, Absorbs: -
Blammo blammo. Knights of the Round. KO in round one.


Overall, Diamond Weapon isn't a terribly difficult boss. Just let the thing taste your usual boss strategies. Diamond Weapon alternates between being immune to physical attacks and immune to magical attacks, and starts off being invulnerable to physical attacks. There's no way to tell except one attack type just doesn't work. Just fry the thing with Bolts and the thing will drop dead soon enough - though it does have some pretty nasty attacks. As usual, healing is important if you can't find a fast way to kill it.

Good grief! In the longish video that follows, the Northern Crater barrier gets shot. And looks like Shin-Ra is busy with their own troubles. Let's head to Northern Crater!

...oops! Darn! Looks like Hojo is finally going crazy. (Who would have guessed?) The next step is to parachute in Midgar and fry Hojo before he does something dumb.

...but before we get to that...


Note: This is your absolute last chance to do most of the stuff that needs to be done in Disc 2. This includes...

It's also a good time to make sure you have done the following, though they can (and should, unless you're in a terrible pinch) be left to do in Disc 3 too:

  • Raised Chocobos and got the 4 hidden materia
  • Obtained Omnislash, W-Summon and Final Attack from the Battle Arena
  • Get the maximum limit breaks for all your characters

You can take on Ultimate Weapon now if you want to, however, note that if the thing flies over Midgar, you end up to Midgar instead of fighting the thing (so it's better to save each time before you start bumping it).

Commandos in Midgar


As you reach Midgar, the city is under martial law, so, to borrow an action movie cliche, "I guess we gonna have to jump!"

Cait Sith is telling where to go from here - You need to use the tunnels. The side street with the manhole has a save point.

After you go down, you end up in a really big room with lots of pipes and ladders. This place is somewhat confusing, but wandering around here shouldn't be too difficult - just remember that the only way to get to some places is through a platform, ventilation pipe or a ladder somewhere else. The treasure chests here are green. You can, among other things, pick up Aegis Armlet, Starlight Phone (for Cait Sith, I think?), and Max Ray (for Barret), and some more items too (TODO!)

There's a save point next to the duct that leads out. You end up in the tunnels. Now, I highly recommend going downward from here - eight intersections down is a really long way, but you can get some cool stuff, like Power, Guard, Mind and Magic sources, and most importantly, the unique W-Item materia at the very end of the tunnel with the save point. The only bad thing about the place is that there's tons of Shadow Maker enemies here - you can find Turbo Ethers from them, but the annoying thing about them is that they have really slow attacks, and they also make your party quite slow too! The journey down will take forever!

Once you go up from the rails section where you came through, the Turks will appear. If you did the Yuffie subquests, they give you the option to not to fight them.

Todo: Stats in the not so unlikely case it's unavoidable...

Up from there, there's two passages. The farthest up one leads back to the Shin-Ra building, and if you missed the Turtle's Paradise poster earlier, now it's the time to go read it - it's on the first floor lobby, on the farthest wall. You won't get another chance in the game! There's not much else to do in the building, except perhaps go pick up other things you missed earlier.

The second underground passage takes you to the Sister Ray. Well, it would, if Scarlet, mad about losing the Sister Ray, would try to restrain herself from coming up with some more weapon names. So here's Scarlet's and Heidegger's new toy...

Proud Clod
Lv: 53/52, HP: 60000/20000, MP: 320/300, Weaknesses: -, Strong against: Gravity, Absorbs: -
Proud Clod consists of two parts: The thing itself and Jamar Armor (second set of stats above). As usual, try Big Guard or set barriers, those really help in the fight. Aside of this, this fight is relatively straightforward and doesn't have big surprises, just use the biggest and meanest spells and attacks you can think of. The boss will start using the big guns at the latter half of the fight though, so watch out for that (MBarrier or Big Guard will help greatly there too!) Or, eh, Knights of Round, first-turn KO (if you don't have Knights of the Round use the Phoneix Summon, this does a lot of damage!).

Head up. There's two boxes here with Mystile and Elixir, and a savepoint. Then, up the ladder! If Barret is in your party, you can find the Missing Score here, which is Barret's best weapon - the box isn't here if he isn't in the party.

Up in the uppermost platform, we find this mad scientist, who, like any mad scientists, injects himself with "my beautiful creation, mwahahaha" and turns into a hideous monster.

The following boss fight is done in a single fight. This is going to be a long fight with tons of different creatures and Hojo's forms, so whatever you do, don't waste Knights of Round on his first form. (If you have Knights of Round, I suggest not using it at all - this is probably simple enough to do in any case - or saving it for the last of the three forms. Or you may waste it on the first form if you're really sure you can take the latter two without it...)

Lv: 53, HP: 13000, MP: 250, Weaknesses: -, Strong against: Gravity, Absorbs: -
Hojo is basically a sitting duck with no really big attacks - the only headacheful attack is the Flunkie Capsule ability which summons a Bad Rap sample and Poodler sample (who look like Bad Rap and Poodler respectively). The ability also heals the critter if one already exists, so don't waste your ammunition on the two flunkies.
Helletic Hojo
Lv: 53, HP: 26000/24000/5000, MP: 200/400/300, Weaknesses: -, Strong against: Gravity, Absorbs: -
Once you smash Hojo for a while, the Jenova brew starts to have some odd effects on him, and turns him into a gigantic huge critter that has a body and two arms (stats above are for the body, left arm and the right arm). The body can recreate the missing limbs. This thing is big and the arms can cause status effect changes against which there are some cool remedies (like Ribbons or White Wind), but basically, all there is to this fight is a lot of good old-fashioned smashing.
Lifeform Hojo-NA
Lv: 58, HP: 30000, MP: 100, Weaknesses: -, Strong against: Gravity, Absorbs: -
The last form is relatively easy, but can give some headaches because the Combo attack makes a whole lot more status effect stuff than any of the previous attacks. You should give the character who has all of the nice spells and toys a Ribbon or Headband to make sure your entire party isn't sleeping through the whole fight - Just about everything else can be cured easily, but that trick makes this fight a piece of cake.

Hojo is dead, Scarlet and Heidegger are stuck in a wreck, Turks scattered, and Rufus presumably perished in the Weapon attack (I don't want to spoil things, but I say emphasis on presumably). Thus, Shin-Ra is no more. (But you can't really kill a corporation, at least without tons of paperwork, now can you?)

A longish cutscene follows - and that concludes the CD 2 of Final Fantasy VII. The adventure continues in CD 3, The Formerly Missing Non-Linear Game Experience, included with your copy of Final Fantasy VII.

On to Disc 3 and...Descent into the Northern Crater

Final Fantasy VII Walkthrough
Disc 1 Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | Disc 2 Part 1 2 3 4 5 | Disc 3 Part 1 2