Development Cooperation Handbook/How do we manage the human resources of programmes and projects?/Review employee performance
Evaluation of the Employee Performance is an essential component of the management the project and programme teams. In order to successfully meet the needs of a programme/project, it is important to have a high-performing Project Team made up of individuals who are both technically skilled and motivated to contribute to the project’s outcome. One of the many responsibilities of a Project Manager is to enhance the ability of each Project Team member to contribute to the project, while also fostering individual growth and accomplishment. At the same time, each individual must be encouraged to share ideas and work with others toward a common goal.
Although team performance (as in with project performance) requires more than an addition of individual performances, still the competence, the commitment and the integrity of the individual team members constitute the basic asset upon which team work is established. Through the evaluation of the performance of the individual team embers the programme/project manager will get the information she needs in order to Ensure that the team has adequate knowledge, Establish a Positive Team Environment and a Healthy Communication Climate, Work Properly and Ensure Accountability (thereby fulfilling the basic requirement for an employee empowering organization).
Through the evaluation of the performance the manager will get the information she needs in order to Ensure that the team has adequate knowledge, Establish a Positive Team Environment and a Healthy Communication Climate, Work Properly and Ensure Accountability (thereby fulfilling the basic requirement for an employee empowering organization).
Managing of the project team includes appraisal of employee performance and project performance! The performance reports give the basis for managerial decisions on how to mange the project team. So there is a reinforcing cycle between performance appraisal and performance management of the same nature (but at a different level) of the relationship between execution and evaluation of project (see the cycle approach)
Employee performance includes the employee’s work results such as
- quality or quantity of outputs,
- work behavior (such as punctuality)
- job-related attributes (such as cooperation and initiative).
After conducting employee performance reviews managers should:
- provide feedback to employees about how well they have performed on established goals.
- provide feedback to employees about areas in which the subordinate is weak or could do better.
- take corrective action to address problems with employees performing at or below the minimum expectations.
- reward superior performers to encourage their continued excellence.
edit Applicant employee evaluation form
Staff Activity Forecast and Report
Interpersonal skill assessment
Employee Performance Review – Peer Review
Performance appraisal forms
edit Key Questions for Establishing the Team Organization
How to reach an agreement on the Employee Performance Objectives
How to manage motivated and effective teams
How to recognize if Team Building is successful
How to check the level of togetherness in a team
Measures to make teams more performing
The 5 steps of team creation
Checklist for Identifying Performance Problems
Why do organisations need to plan and manage their communication?
How team members can improve overall project communication
Measures to make teams more performing
Required characteristics of the project manager
The 10 Project Management Guiding Principles
See also
editIn other sections of this handbook
Managing the Human Resources of a project team
- Managing the recruitment and selection processes
- Manage the Team performance
- Improve employee performance
- Recognize and Success and Reward Superior Performance
- Discipline Minimal Performers
The employee empowering organization
Manage the Performance of Project Team Members
Team Conflict Management
Decision Making in Groups
Leading and Managing
Team Conflict Management
Decision Making in Groups
Project Managers and programme Managers
Determining the project manager