Trainz/Copying Assets Between Versions And Copies Of Trainz

Copying Content

Trainz Asset Maintenance and Creation

Content Manager skills tutorials for Trainz
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This section is concerned with copying assets, i.e. Trainz data files.

All copying of assets is potentially subject to copyright considerations but this chapter does not address that issue. Nor does it address the uploading of content so as to make it available to the general public on Auran's DLS system or a third-party Trainz fansite. Uploading is covered in a separate chapter of this book.

You may wish to copy assets in situations such as the following:

  • You are upgrading to a new computer.
  • You have two or more different versions of Trainz installed on the same computer.
  • You have copies of Trainz installed on two or more computers.
  • You wish to exchange assets with a small number of friends.

Physical Copying Between Computers


Copying Post-Installation Files

TRS2004 to TRS2004 - downloaded assets
Copy the relevant KUID folders in the C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2004\World\Dispatcher\Downloads folder to the corresponding place on the destination computer. Then manually delete the C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2004\Cache\world_cache_Dispatcher.chump file. It will usually be appropriate to only copy the top-level assets and then use the free third-party Trainz Objectz asset management program to list any missing dependencies.
TRS2004 to TRS2004 - self-created assets
Either copy the relevant folders in the C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2004\World\Custom folder to the corresponding place on the destination computer and then manually delete the C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2004\Cache\world_cache_Dispatcher.chump file, or (and much more preferably) use the Content Dispatcher sub-program supplied with Trainz to convert them to CDP files, which can then be installed on the recipient's computer as if they had been downloaded.
TRS2004 to TRS2006, to TC, to all other versions
best done via importing into other versions in a daisy chain, dealing with errors, then importing to the next higher version.
TRS2006 to TRS2006
(not yet written)
TRS2006 to TC
(not yet written; needs to include instructions for transferring those built-in assets which TC lacks)
Any transfers from later versions to earlier versions (eg TRS2006 to TRS2004)
(not yet written; is this needed?)
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