Fundamentals for Trainz Trainees
TOC | BeginningsFun | AM&C | Creation | InBook Refs ORP Refs:  • Index • Containers • Kinds • Tags | Appendixes  • Vers


A page to page navigation template which will operate properly with sub-pages (Chapters) and Sub-sub-pages too.


This is a adaptation of the Wikibook general {{Chapter navigation}} template and operates similarly but

  • instead of assuming it NEEDs to form a link inside '[[' and ']]' instead works successfully with Trainz Linking Templates, (all of which may be pipetricked giving a neater appearance).


  • Further, it does not assume the page must be on the wiki, for giving a {{N3V}} or {{wp}} template call should link offsite just as do the TXX linking templates.


{{Trainz-page| Template1 | Template2 }}
{{Trainz-page|prev= Template1 |next= Template2 }}

Like {{Chapter navigation}} this template defaults to auto-categorizing a page to Category:Book:Trainz using the {{BASEPAGENAME}} magic word. This may be overridden to a sub-category by giving a third pass parameter:

{{Trainz-page| Template1 | Template2 |header-TOC |right-hand header TOC |cat=name}}
 |  n ={{{2|{{{n|}}}}}}|14= 
 |  p ={{{pr|{{{p|}}}}}}|15=
 |  h ={{{h|{{{3|}}}}}}|7=  
 |  rh={{{rh|{{{4|}}}}}}|16= 
 |  sort={{{sort|{{{1|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}}}}|17= 

The latter form is useful for cutting and pasting page to page in a threaded discourse of sections, or topics level pages, obviously.

  1. category:Trainz AM&C,
  2. category:Trainz references,
  3. category:Trainz appendixes,
  4. category:Trainz Content Creation,
  5. category:Introductory Trainz,
  6. category:Trainz scripting and ... category:Trainz Whatever