SwisTrack 4 is a powerful software for tracking robots, humans, animals and objects using a camera or a recorded video as input source. It uses Intel's OpenCV library for fast image processing and contains interfaces for USB, FireWire and GigE cameras, as well as AVI files.

SwisTrack 4 running on Ubuntu 8.04
SwisTrack 4 running on Windows XP

SwisTrack is an open-source project hosted on SourceForge. It is written in C++ and easily extensible through components (plug-ins).


  1. Download and Installation
  2. Using SwisTrack - an Introduction
  3. Working with the Display
  4. The Timeline
  5. Interfacing SwisTrack
    1. 3rd party software
  6. Components
    1. background subtraction
      1. Components/AdaptiveBackgroundSubtractionMedian
      2. Components/AdaptiveBackgroundSubtractionGray
      3. Components/AdaptiveBackgroundSubtractionColor
      4. Components/AdaptiveBackgroundSubtractionCheungKamath
      5. Components/BackgroundSubtractionGray
      6. Components/SpecificColorSubtraction
      7. Components/HSVBackgroundSubtractionColor
      8. Components/BackgroundSubtractionColor
    2. Components/ConvertToGray
    3. Components/ConvertToColor
    4. Components/ColorSwapper
    5. Components/ColorBlur
    6. Components/ConvertBayerToColor
    7. blobs
      1. Components/BlobDetectionMinMax
      2. Components/BlobDetectionRedGreen
      3. Components/BlobDetectionTwoColors
      4. Components/BlobSelection
    8. Components/ConvertToGray
    9. Components/ConvertToGray
    10. Components/ConvertToGray
    11. Components/ConvertToGray
    12. mask
      1. Components/BinaryMask
      2. Components/GrayMask
      3. Components/ColorMask
    13. Components/BinaryDilation
    14. Components/BinaryErosion
    15. Components/Calibration
      1. Components/CalibrationTSAI
      2. Components/CalibrationFileTSAI
      3. Components/CalibrationLinear
    16. Components/Input
      1. Components/Input Conversion
      2. Components/InputCamera1394
      3. Components/InputCameraGigE
      4. Components/InputCameraUSB
      5. Components/InputFileAVI
      6. Components/OutputFileAVI
      7. Components/InputFileImage
    17. Components/OutputSQLite
    18. Components/Particle Detection
      1. Components/MotionTemplateParticleDetector
    19. Components/FilterParticles
    20. Components/Preprocessing (binary)
    21. Components/Preprocessing (color)
    22. Components/Preprocessing (grayscale)
    23. Components/Thresholding
      1. Components/ThresholdGray
      2. Components/ThresholdColorCommon
      3. Components/ThresholdColorIndependent
      4. Components/DoubleThresholdColorIndependent
    24. Components/Tracking
      1. Components/NearestNeighborTracking
      2. Components/DynamicNearestNeighborTracking
      3. Components/KalmanFilterTrack
      4. Components/TrackSmoothing
    25. Components/Trigger
      1. Components/TriggerTimer
      2. Components/TriggerCounter
    26. Components/IDReaderRing
    27. Components/SimulationParticles
    28. Components/OutputFile
    29. Components/OutputFramesImages
    30. Components/OutputImageStatisticsColor
    31. Components/OutputImageStatisticsGray
    32. Components/OutputImageStatisticsBinary
    33. Components/OutputMarkFrameManual
    34. Components/OutputParticles
    35. Components/MoveBinaryToColor
    36. Components/CamShiftTracking
  7. Batch Mode
  8. Examples
    1. Examples/Calibration
      1. Examples/Calibration/SemiAutomatic
      2. Examples/Calibration/AutomaticSequential
    2. Examples/IDReaderRing
    3. Examples/MultiCamera
    4. Examples/OutputProcessing
    5. Examples/RobotTracking
  9. Frequently Asked Questions
  10. SwisTrack for Developers
    1. Setting up a development environment
      1. Linux
      2. Mac OS X
      3. Windows
    2. Implementing a new component
    3. Mailing list
    4. Last Compiling Releases
  11. Related Software
    1. Multi-Camera Client
  12. License and Contributions

Further reading


If you are using version 3 of SwisTrack, you may be looking for the documentation of version 3 of SwisTrack.