German/Appendices/Nations of the world
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editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Afghanistan | Afghanistan |
Albania | Albanien |
Algeria | Algerien |
Andorra | Andorra |
Angola | Angola |
Antigua and Barbuda | Antigua und Barbuda |
Argentina | Argentinien |
Armenia | Armenien |
Australia | Australien |
Austria | Österreich |
Azerbaijan | Aserbaidschan |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
The Bahamas | Bahamas |
Bahrain | Bahrain |
Bangladesh | Bangladesch |
Barbados | Barbados |
Belgium | Belgien |
Belize | Belize |
Benin | Benin |
Bhutan | Bhutan |
Belarus | Weißrussland/Belorussland |
Burma | Birma |
Bolivia | Bolivien |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnien und Herzegowina |
Botswana | Botswana |
Brazil | Brasilien |
Brunei | Brunei |
Bulgaria | Bulgarien |
Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso |
Burundi | Burundi |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Cambodia | Kambodscha |
Cameroon | Kamerun |
Canada | Kanada |
Cape Verde | Kap Verde |
Central African Republic | Zentralafrikanische Republik |
Chad | Tschad |
Chile | Chile |
China | China |
Cyprus | Zypern |
Colombia | Kolumbien |
Comoros | Komoren |
Congo | Kongo |
Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
Cote d'Ivoire | Elfenbeinküste |
Croatia | Kroatien |
Cuba | Kuba |
Czech Republic | Tschechien |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Denmark | Dänemark |
Djibouti | Dschibuti |
Dominica | Dominica |
Dominican Republic | Dominikanische Republik |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Egypt | Ägypten |
England | England |
El Salvador | El Salvador |
Ecuador | Ecuador |
Estonia | Estland |
Ethiopia | Äthiopien |
Equatorial Guinea | Äquatorial-Guinea |
European Union | Europäische Union |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Fiji | Fiji / Fidschi |
Finland | Finnland |
France | Frankreich |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Gabon | Gabun |
Gambia | Gambia |
Georgia | Georgien |
Germany | Deutschland |
Ghana | Ghana |
Greece | Griechenland |
Grenada | Grenada |
Guatemala | Guatemala |
Guinea | Guinea |
Guinea-Bissau | Guinea-Bissau |
Guyana | Guyana |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Haiti | Haiti |
Honduras | Honduras |
Hungary | Ungarn |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
India | Indien |
Indonesia | Indonesien |
Iran | Iran |
Iraq | Irak |
Ireland | Irland |
Iceland | Island |
Israel | Israel |
Italy | Italien |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Jamaica | Jamaika |
Japan | Japan |
Jordan | Jordanien |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Kazakhstan | Kasachstan |
Kenya | Kenia |
Kyrgyzstan | Kirgisien |
Kiribati | Kiribati |
Kuwait | Kuwait |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Latvia | Lettland |
Lebanon | Libanon |
Liberia | Liberia |
Libya | Libyen |
Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein |
Lithuania | Litauen |
Luxembourg | Luxemburg |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Macedonia | Mazedonien |
Madagascar | Madagaskar |
Malaysia | Malaysia |
Malawi | Malawi |
The Maldives | Malediven |
Mali | Mali |
Malta | Malta |
Morocco | Marokko |
Marshall Islands | Marshall-Inseln |
Mauritania | Mauretanien |
Mauritius | Mauritius |
Mexico | Mexiko |
Micronesia | Mikronesien |
Moldova | Moldawien |
Monaco | Monaco |
Mongolia | Mongolei |
Mozambique | Mosambique |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Namibia | Namibia |
Nauru | Nauru |
Nepal | Nepal |
Nicaragua | Nicaragua |
Niger | Niger |
Nigeria | Nigeria |
Norway | Norwegen |
The Netherlands | die Niederlande |
New Zealand | Neuseeland |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Oman | Oman |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Pakistan | Pakistan |
Panama | Panama |
Papua New Guinea | Papua-Neuguinea |
Paraguay | Paraguay |
Peru | Peru |
The Philippines | die Philippinen |
Poland | Polen |
Portugal | Portugal |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Qatar | Katar |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Romania | Rumänien |
Russia | Russland |
Rwanda | Ruanda |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Kitts und Nevis |
Samoa | Samoa |
San Marino | San Marino |
Sao Tomé and Principe | Sao Tome und Principe |
Saudi Arabia | Saudi-Arabien |
Scotland | Schottland |
Senegal | Senegal |
Seychelles | Seychellen |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone |
Singapore | Singapur |
Slovakia | Slowakei |
Slovenia | Slowenien |
Spain | Spanien |
Solomon Islands | Salomonen |
Somalia | Somalia |
South Africa | Südafrika |
South Korea | Südkorea |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
Sudan | Sudan |
Suriname | Surinam |
Sweden | Schweden |
Switzerland | Schweiz |
Swaziland | Swasiland |
Syria | Syrien |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Tanzania | Tansania |
Thailand | Thailand |
Togo | Togo |
Tonga | Tonga |
Trinidad and Tobago | Trinidad und Tobago |
Tunisia | Tunesien |
Turkmenistan | Turkmenistan |
Turkey | Türkei |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Ukraine | Ukraine |
The United Arab Emirates | Vereinigte Arabische Emirate |
The United Kingdom | Vereinigtes Königreich |
The United States | Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (Construed as plural noun) |
Uruguay | Uruguay |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Vanuatu | Vanuatu |
The Vatican | Der Vatikan / Vatikanstadt / der Heilige Stuhl |
Venezuela | Venezuela |
Vietnam | Vietnam |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Wales | Wales |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world |
There are no countries that begin with this letter. |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Yemen | Jemen |
Yugoslavia | Jugoslawien |
editAppendices: Nations of the world — Nations of the world | |
English | German |
Zambia | Sambia |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
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