Cookbook:Okpo Ogede (Plantain Moi-Moi)

Okpo Ogede (Plantain Moi-Moi)
CategoryNigerian recipes

Cookbook | Ingredients | Recipes | Cuisine of Nigeria

Okpo ogede is a Nigerian dish of overripe plantains. It is also known as plantain moi-moi.

Ingredients edit

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Procedure edit

  1. Blend the plantains, plantain flour, onion, and crayfish together with a little water.
  2. Transfer the mixture to a bowl, then mix in salt and palm oil to taste.
  3. Divide the mixture between molds, such as ramekins or aluminum pouches.
  4. Place the filled molds in a steamer basket over boiling water. Cook until set.
  5. Serve with custard, oatmeal, and/or cooked ground corn (akamu).