Cookbook:Homemade Pie Crust

Homemade Pie Crust
CategoryPastry recipes
Servings⌀ 20 cm
95 cl volume shell
Timeprep: 30 minutes

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Unlike with bread, pie crust and other pastries should be made in a way that minimizes the development of gluten. Once the water has been added, the dough should be worked as little as possible, to minimize toughness in the finished crust.




  1. Combine flour and salt in medium bowl.
  2. Cut in vegetable shortening with a pastry blender or two knives, until mixture is crumbly.
  3. Sprinkle with cold water; mix just until mixture holds together.
  4. Shape dough into a ball; place on lightly floured surface.
  5. Roll out dough to 3 mm (⅛ inch) thickness.
  6. Line pie plate with pastry.
  7. Trim around perimeter for 2 cm (1 inch) overhang to fold under and crimp as desired (see pie crust edges below).

Pie Crust Edges


Simple Fork Edge

  1. Fold overhang under and press down with your fingers.
  2. Using the tines of a lightly floured fork, press the edge of the pastry to the rim of the pie pan.

Fluted Edge

  1. Fold overhang under and pinch to make the edge stand up.
  2. With the thumb and forefinger of one hand, pinch the outside edge of the pastry, while pressing from the inside with the forefinger of your other hand.

Rope Edge

  1. Fold overhang under and pinch to make the edge stand up.
  2. Press the pastry along the edge of the pie plate between the side of your thumb at an angle, pinch and slightly twist.

Notes, tips, and variations

  • To make two crusts, double all ingredients, follow procedure above, and divide dough in half.
  • Be sure to use cold water and keep well wrapped until use.