Cookbook:Frijoles Antioqueños (Colombian Bean Stew)

Frijoles Antioqueños (Colombian Bean Stew)
CategoryStew recipes
TimeCooking: 1 hour
Total: 1 day

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Antioqueño beans is an icon of Colombian food.




  1. Wash beans and let hydrate overnight by covering with twice its volume of water.
  2. The next day, remove any floating beans.
  3. Heat the oil in a pressure cooker. Add scallions and let fry until they start to brown. Add tomato, cumin, broth cube, and allspice. This is called "hogao", a basic sauce for many Colombian dishes.
  4. Add 6 cups water, the beans, and plantain. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
  5. Cover the pressure cooker, and let cook for 30 minutes.
  6. Let cool, then open the pressure cooker.
  7. Check water level, add the meat if using, and cover again. Cook for another 30 minutes.
  8. Taste for salt. If you want a thicker mixture, you can cook uncovered over low heat.

Notes, tips, and variations

  • When serving, you can put additional hogao on top.
  • You can serve with white rice, avocado, ground beef, roasted beef, fried plantain, roasted chicken, corn arepas, and many other combinations.
  • Trasnochado beans, eaten one day after being cooked, are a great option to eat the beans with a delicious concentrated flavor.
  • To make bandeja paisa, serve a portion of Antioqueño beans, a portion of white rice, a portion of ground beef, a slice of avocado, one fried chorizo sausage, fried ripe plantain, one fried blood sausage, pork rind, and one fried egg on top of the rice.
  • Another delicious way to serve these beans is with cazuelitas: serve half of a cazuelita with the beans, and add to it corn, shredded beef (ropa vieja), avocado, and ground pork rind.