Cookbook:Acevichada Sauce

Acevichada Sauce
CategorySauce recipes
YieldAbout 750 ml
ServingsAbout 6
Time30 minutes

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Acevichada sauce as a topping of uramakizushi.
Acevichada sauce as a topping of hot roll

Acevichada sauce is a recent contribution to Peruvian cuisine that highlights the country's blend of several cultures, including the Japanese diaspora at the end of the 19th century. The recipe is said to have originated during the 90s in Lima's Matsuei restaurant, which is famous for the creation of the iconic acevichado maki. The sauce, which is sometimes described as a "Leche de Tigre mayonnaise", references the Peruvian style of uramakizushi and has undergone several changes to this day. It is commonly used as a Nikkei-style sushi topping, but more recently, it is used for dipping mixed seafood fritters (jalea de mariscos) and even pizza or chicken wings!





Leche de tigre

  1. Pour the lime juice into a bowl.
  2. Add the salt and test the flavor. It should be neither too salty nor too acidic. If needed, rectify by adding more salt or lime juice to find the right balance.
  3. Add the onions, chiles, garlic, cilantro, hondashi, black pepper, and togarashi.
  4. Cover with plastic wrap and reserve in the fridge for at least 15 minutes, so the flavors from the vegetables and spices can integrate into the lime juice.


  1. Crack the eggs into a blender, and start blending at low speed.
  2. While running the blender, very gradually start adding 250 ml of the oil until the mixture thickens to a mayonnaise consistency. Use more or less oil as needed.
  3. Pause the blender, pour your leche de tigre into the mix, and start blending again.
  4. Gradually stream in the remaining 125 ml oil until the mix thickens again.
  5. Turn off the blender and taste for salt. If needed, add a little more salt, and blend again until it suits your taste.



Keep the finished sauce in the fridge, where it should last for approximately 2 days.