Clinical Sections






See also:

Proton therapy

CNS Toxicity:

RTOG Brain Trials

2007 WHO Classification


Neuroepithelial Tumors

  • Astrocytic Tumors
    • Pilocytic astrocytoma 9421/1
      • Pilomyxoid astrocytoma 9425/3
    • Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma 9384/1
    • Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma 9424/3
    • Diffuse astrocytoma 9400/3
      • Fibrillary astrocytoma 9420/3
      • Protoplasmic astrocytoma 9410/3
      • Gemistocytic astrocytoma 9411/3
    • Anaplastic astrocytoma 9401/3
    • Glioblastoma 9440/3
      • Giant cell glioblastoma 9441/3
      • Gliosarcoma 9442/3
    • Gliomatosis cerebri 9381/3
  • Other neuroepithelial tumours
    • Astroblastoma 9430/3
    • Chordoid glioma of the third ventricle 9444/1
    • Angiocentric glioma 9431/1*
  • Neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumours
    • Dysplastic gangliocytoma of cerebellum (Lhermitte-Duclos) 9493/0
    • Desmoplastic infantile astrocytoma/ganglioglioma 9412/1
    • Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour 9413/0
    • Gangliocytoma 9492/0
    • Ganglioglioma 9505/1
    • Anaplastic ganglioglioma 9505/3
    • Papillary glioneuronal tumor 9509/1*
    • Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumour of the fourth ventricle 9509/1*
    • Central neurocytoma 9506/1
    • Extraventricular neurocytoma 9506/1*
    • Cerebellar liponeurocytoma 9506/1*
    • Paraganglioma of the filum terminale 8680/1

Tumours of the pineal region

Embryonal tumours

Tumors of the Cranial and Paraspinal Nerves

  • Schwannoma (Neurilemoma, neurinoma) 9560/0
    • Cellular 9560/0
    • Plexiform 9560/0
    • Melanotic 9560/0
  • Neurofibroma 9540/0
    • Plexiform 9550/0
  • Perineurioma 9571/0
    • Intraneural perineurioma 9571/0
    • Soft tissue perineurioma 9571/0
  • Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour (MPNST) 9540/3
    • Epithelioid 9540/3
    • MPNST with divergent mesenchymal and / or epithelial differentiation 9540/3
    • Melanotic 9540/3

Tumors of the Meninges

  • Mesenchymal tumours
    • Lipoma 8850/0
    • Angiolipoma 8861/0
    • Hibernoma 8880/0
    • Liposarcoma (intracranial) 8850/3
    • Solitary fibrous tumour 8815/0
    • Fibrosarcoma 8810/3
    • Malignant fibrous histiocytoma 8830/3
    • Leiomyoma 8890/0
    • Leiomyosarcoma 8890/3
    • Rhabdomyoma 8900/0
    • Rhabdomyosarcoma 8900/3
    • Chondroma 9220/0
    • Chondrosarcoma 9220/3
    • Osteoma 9180/0
    • Osteosarcoma 9180/3
    • Osteochondroma 9210/0
    • Haemangioma 9120/0
    • Epithelioid haemangioendothelioma 9133/1
    • Haemangiopericytoma 9150/1
    • Angiosarcoma 9120/3
    • Kaposi sarcoma 9140/3
  • Primary melanocytic lesions
    • Diffuse melanocytosis 8728/0
    • Melanocytoma 8728/1
    • Malignant melanoma 8720/3
    • Meningeal melanomatosis 8728/3
  • Other neoplasms related to the meninges
    • Haemangioblastoma 9161/1

Lymphomas and Hematopoietic Neoplasms

  • Malignant lymphomas 9590/3
  • Plasmacytoma 9731/3
  • Granulocytic sarcoma 9930/3

Germ Cell Tumors

Tumors of the Sellar Region

  • Craniopharyngioma 9350/1
    • Adamantinomatous 9351/1
    • Papillary 9352/1
  • Granular cell tumour 9582/0
  • Pituicytoma 9432/1*
  • Spindle cell oncocytoma of the adenohypophysis 8291/0*

Metastatic Tumors