PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation/The Shortest Route

PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
The making of PlanoTse The Shortest Route Why and How

Part I - The Shortest Route

This section of the book, The Shortest Route, is the shortest sequence of pages that would as quickly as possible bring you to the point where you can start using PlanoTse effectively for either job search automation or any other application in the mining of global data from the World Wide Web. Pages in the chapters listed below are all part of The Shortest Route.


Chapter 1. Introduction


This and the next chapter explain why and how you should get started with the use of PlanoTse software. This chapter focuses on why and what you should know before using the software.

Chapter 2. Getting Started


This chapter shows you how to get started. You should have the software installed while reading this book.

Chapter 3. Basic Concepts


This chapter introduces you to several basic concepts in PlanoTse.

Chapter 4. Automation Wizard


This chapter shows you how to work with the Automation Wizard, a tool in PlanoTse.

Chapter 5. PlanoTseScript


This chapter shows you how to work with PlanoTseScript, the language of web search automation.

PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
The making of PlanoTse The Shortest Route Why and How