PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation/PlanoTseScript Springboards
PlanoTseScript Springboards
editYou can store the source code of PlanoTseScript on a piece of paper but its logic cannot spring into action from there. A source code springboard is a place of residence for source code and from this place the source code can on demand spring into action. This page introduces you to all types of PlanoTseScript springboards available in PlanoTse.
Code & Run Springboard
editAfter you select [View ยป Code & Run] from the main menu, you will see the Code text box and the button [Run PlanoTseScript], as shown in the image below. This image is also shown on the page, Scripting Language in PlanoTse.
You can place a small piece of source code in PlanoTseScript in the text box and press this button to execute the code. When you press the button, the source code will be stored on your computer before it is executed. When you restart the software and come back here, the same source code will be recalled. This Code & Run springboard is where you can experiment with some code to make sure that it works before you put the code in real use elsewhere.
Go Script & Startup Script
editGo and Startup scripts are two additional springboards for PlanoTseScript. How to program Go and Startup scripts, is explained on the page, Go Script & Startup Script.
User-defined Buttons
editUser-defined buttons are another type of springboard for PlanoTseScript. Attached to every data item in PlanoTse is a user-defined button. At the bottom of each page in the Automation Wizard is a user-defined button. You can place PlanoTseScript source code in a user-defined button to tell PlanoTse what to do when you press the button. When you press the button, it will execute the source code stored there. To change its label and replace its source code, hold down the key Ctrl while clicking on the button.
Data Direction
editWhen you buy some medication, you should find its directions on the label. Direction here means information as to when and how to take your medication. In PlanoTse, data direction means information as to when and how to handle your data.
Data direction has two distinct parts: the title of the direction and the body of the direction. The body of the direction often contains a sequence of steps. Data direction is a standard attribute for every data item, also known as data holder, in PlanoTse. This means that, when you open and see the content of a data item, you can see the title of its direction as well as the Steps button, a way to access the body of its direction. While editing a data item, you can press its Steps button and see a squence of steps as the body of its direction.
The body of data direction can contain PlanoTseScript for execution on demand. While editing a data item, you can press its Run button to execute its PlanoTseScript source code.
Notice The next topic, Ordered List in HTML, tells you how to format your sequence of steps as the body of direction for a data item. |
This page is part of The Shortest Route, which is the shortest sequence of pages that would as quickly as possible bring you to the point where you can start using PlanoTse effectively for either job search automation or any other application in the mining of global data from the World Wide Web. |