PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation/Automation Wizard

PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
Introducing Automation Wizard Automation Wizard Search Factors
Chapter 4

Automation Wizard


Automation Wizard is a tool in PlanoTse. It helps you to automatically generate many search strings and prepare many web search commands for hidden, parallel execution. You also use this wizard to tell PlanoTse how to automatically process all web search results. To bring up the Automation Wizard, select the command [Automation » Web Search] from the main menu. The following image shows what you see when you bring up the PlanoTse Automation Wizard.

Main Panels


The user interface of this wizard is based on the PlanoTse user interface standard, also known as the PlanoTse GUI Standard.

  • The tree view here works as an extended menu structure for ease of navigation
  • The wizard logic works in the node editor, the middle panel.
  • The whiteboard, the last panel on the right, is where input error messages are displayed.

Other than Edit, the menu on this wizard carries standard items based on the PlanoTse GUI Standard. Two items concerning this wizard are highlighted below for ease of reference.

Clear All Input Data


To clear all input data, select the menu command [Edit » Clear All Input Data].

Execution Trace Log


To view PlanoTseScript execution trade log, select the menu command [View » Trace Log]. Tell me more

Input Fields


Using the PlanoTse GUI Standard, all input fields are placed on the Node Editor panel.

Mission Name Input Field


What is the mission of your web search automation project? Give it a name in a very short phrase as it will be used to name an output folder for your automation session.

Factor Count Input Field


Search factor is a multiplicative consideration for building the search string. If location is a factor, you may declare city as the name of your first factor and make a list of cities. If industry is a factor, you may declare industry as the name of your second factor and make a list of industries. In this example, with city and industry as the only two search factors, you put 2 in the field Factor Count.

Factors Input Field


For this field, create a comma-separated list of factors, as many as declared in the field Factor Count. For example, if you have two search factors such as city and industry then place the following string in this field: city, industry.

Each factor listed here will generate an additional page for the automation wizard window. Select the menu command [View » Expand All] to see links to all the pages currently available.

Top-level Domains Input Field


Limit your web search automation activities to only a limited number of top-level domain names such as com, gov and edu. This is not a bad way to keep your search from reaching domain names in other countries.

Otherwise, if not specified, all will be considered.

Days Ago Input Field


This field lets the automation program know to search only for articles published within the last 24 hours, the last 7 days, the last 4 weeks, or the last 12 months. This field can only have one of the following input values: 0, 1, 7, 30 or 365. When it is zero, time is not a factor in the search.

Use Holders Input Flag


If you're new to this software, select NO for the field Data Holders. You want to select YES when you want to keep complex data for search factors in data holders in PlanoTse.

Command Buttons


Preview Page Button


This button takes you to the page before last. It is for use by an experienced user.

Next Page Button


This button takes you to the next page. It is positioned such that all the NEXT buttons are aligned at the same position.

Save Input Button


This button saves the input data. The NEXT and BACK buttons will save the input data first before taking you to another page.

User-defined Button


User-defined button will do what the user wants it to do by placing their desire in PlanoTseScript in the button. When you press the button, it will execute the source code stored with your button. To change its label and replace its source code, hold down the key Ctrl while clicking on the button. See Source Code Samples in PlanoTseScript.

Demo Section


This page is part of The Shortest Route, which is the shortest sequence of pages that would as quickly as possible bring you to the point where you can start using PlanoTse effectively for either job search automation or any other application in the mining of global data from the World Wide Web.

PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
Introducing Automation Wizard Automation Wizard Search Factors