Na'vi/Na'vi–English dictionary/glottal series

ʼampi /ˈʔam.pi/, infix ʼ•amp•i [.]

ʼampirikx n. /ˈʔam.pi.ɾikʼ/ [FE] leaf pitcher plant (rikx move)

ʼango (ʼago) adj. /ˈʔa.ŋo/, attr. ʼangoa N. aʼango [.]

soft (of a sound)

ʼangtsìk (ʼagcìk) n. /ˈʔaŋ.tsɪk/, pl. angtsìk [.]

Hammerhead Titanothere (a rhino-like animal)

ʼaw num. /ˈʔau̯/, attr. ʼawa N. aʼaw [.]

ʼawlie adv. /ʔau̯.ˈli.ɛ/ [.] once (in the past)
ʼawlo adv. /ˈʔau̯.lo/ [FE] once, one time (now or in the future) (alo a turn)
ʼawpo pn. /ˈʔau̯.po/, pl. awpo? [.] an individual
tìʼawpo n. /tɪ.ˈʔau̯.po/ [.] individuality, self-centeredness, selfishness
ʼawsiteng (ʼawsiteg) adv. /ʔau̯.si.ˈtɛŋ/ [.] together
ʼawstengyem (ʼawstegyem) /ʔau̯.stɛŋ.ˈjɛm/, infix ʼawstengy••em [.] join (yem put)
ʼawve adj. /ˈʔau̯.vɛ/, attr. ʼawvea N. aʼawve [.] first
nìʼawve adv. /nɪ.ˈʔau̯.vɛ/ [.] first
trrʼawve n, adv. /tr̩.ˈʔau̯.vɛ/ [.] Sunday
keʼaw adj. /kɛ.ˈʔau̯/, attr. keʼawa N. akeʼaw [FE] divided
kawpref. /ˈkau̯/ [.] no- (see kaw-)
nìʼaw adv. /nɪ.ˈʔau̯/ [.] only
nìʼawtu adv. /nɪ.ˈʔau̯.tu/ [.] alone ("as one person")
volaw num. /vo.ˈlau̯/, attr. volawa N. avolaw [.] nine (octal 11)

ʼawkx n. /ˈʔau̯kʼ/, pl. awkx [.]


ʼawm n. /ˈʔau̯m/, pl. awm [.]

tìʼawm n. /tɪ.ˈʔau̯m/ [.] camping
tìʼawm si v. /tɪ.ˈʔau̯m si/, infix tìʼawm s••i [.] to camp

ʼäʼo n. /ˈʔæ.ʔo/, pl. äʼo [FE]

pitcher plant

ʼänsyem adj. /ʔæn.ˈsjɛm/, attr. ʼänsyema N. aʼänsyem [.]

whole, complete

ʼärìp /ˈʔæ.ɾɪp/, infix ʼ•är•ìp [.]

move (cf. rikx)
käʼärìp /kæ.ˈʔæ.ɾɪp/ [.] push
zaʼärìp /za.ˈʔæ.ɾɪp/ [.] pull

ʼeʼal adj. /ˈʔɛ.ʔal/, attr. ʼeʼala N. aʼeʼal [.]


ʼefu v. /ˈʔɛ.fu/, infix ʼ•ef•u [.]

perceive, sense, feel
oe ʼefu som /ˈo.ɛ.ˈʔɛ.fu.ˈsom/ [FE] I am hot
ʼefu nitram /ˈʔɛ.fu.nit.ˈɾam/ [FE] be happy"
ʼefu ohakx /ˈʔɛ.fu.o.ˈhakʼ/ [.] be hungry
tìʼefu n. /tɪ.ˈʔɛ.fu/, pl. sìʼefu [.] feeling
tìʼefumì oeyä /tɪ.ˈʔɛ.fu.mɪ.ˈwɛ.jæ/ [.] in my opinion

ʼeko v. /ˈʔɛ.ko/, infix ʼ•ek•o [.]


ʼekong (ʼekog) n. /ˈʔɛ.koŋ/, pl. ekong [.]

ʼekong teʼlanä /ˈʔɛ.koŋ tɛʔ.ˈla.næ/ the beat of the hearts


ʼeleʼwll n. /ˈʔɛ.lɛʔ.wl̩/, pl. eleʼwll [FE] thorny paw plant (ʼewll plant)

ʼem v. /ˈʔɛm/, infix ʼ••em [.]


ʼengeng (ʼegeg) adj. /ˈʔɛŋ.ɛŋ/, attr. ʼengenga N. aʼengeng [.]

even, level
reyʼeng n. /ɾɛi̯.ˈʔɛŋ/ [.] balance of life

ʼeoio adj. /ˈʔɛ.o.i.o/, attr. ʼeoioa N. aʼeoio [F]

nìʼeoio adv. /nɪ.ˈʔɛ.o.i.o/ [F] ceremoniously

ʼeveng (ʼeveg) n. /ˈʔɛ.vɛŋ/, du. meveng, tri. pxeveng, pl. eveng, ayeveng [.]

a child
ʼevi n. /ˈʔɛ.vi/, du. mevi, tri. pxevi, pl. evi, ayevi [.] kid (affectionate form of ʼeveng)
vi suff. /vi/ [FE] (suffix for the product/spawn of something larger)

ʼewan adj. /ˈʔɛ.wan/, attr. ʼewana N. aʼewan [.]


ʼewll n. /ˈʔɛ.wl̩/, pl. ewll [.]

wll suff. /wl̩/ (suffix in various plant names)
prrwll n. /ˈpr̩.wl̩/, pl. frrwll? [.] moss

ʼeylan n. /ˈʔɛi̯.lan/, du. meylan, tri. pxeylan, pl. eylan, ayeylan [.]

tìʼeylan n. /tɪ.ˈʔɛi̯.lan/ [.] friendship

ʼeyng (ʼeyg) v. /ˈʔɛi̯ŋ/, infix ʼ••eyng [.]

respond, to answer
nìʼeyng (nìʼeyg) adv. /nɪ.ˈʔɛi̯ŋ/ [.] in answer, in response
tìʼeyng (tìʼeyg) n. /tɪ.ˈʔɛi̯ŋ/, pl. sìʼeyng [.] an answer, a response

ʼiʼa v. /ˈʔiʔ.a/, infix ʼ•iʼ•a [.]

end, conclude
tìʼiʼa n. /tɪ.ˈʔiʔ.a/, pl. sìʼiʼa [FE] (the) end
tìʼiʼavay krrä /tɪ.ˈʔiʔ.a.vai̯ ˈkr̩.æ/ [FE] forever, until the end of time

ʼia v. /ˈʔi.a/, infix ʼ•i•a [.]

become absorbed, lose oneself

ʼit n. /ˈʔit/, pl. it [.]

a bit, a small amount
ʼitan n. /ˈʔi.tan/, pl. itan [.] son
ʼite n. /ˈʔi.tɛ/, pl. ite [.] daughter
kawʼit adv. /kau̯.ˈʔit/ [.] not a bit, not at all
nìʼit adv. /nɪ.ˈʔit/ [.] (do) a little, a bit

ʼìʼawn v. /ʔɪ.ˈʔau̯n/, infix ʼ•ìʼ•awn [.]

remain, stay

ʼìheyu n. /ʔɪ.ˈhɛ.ju/, pl. ìheyu [.]

ìheyu sìreyä /ɪ.hɛ.ju sɪ.ɾɛ.jæ/ the spiral of lives

ʼìnglìsì (ʼìglìsì) n. /ˈʔɪŋ.lɪ.sɪ/ [.]

the English language
nìʼìnglìsì (nìʼìglìsì) adv. /nɪ.ˈʔɪŋ.lɪ.sɪ/ in English

ʼok n. /ˈʔok/, pl. ok [.]

remembrance, memory

ʼong (ʼog) /ˈʔoŋ/, infix ʼ••ong [.]

unfold, blossom

ʼopin n. /ˈʔ, pl. opin [.]


ʼora n. /ˈʔo.ɾa/, pl. ora [.]


ʼRrta n. /ˈʔr̩.ta/ [.]

Trr ʼRrtayä n. /tr̩.ˈʔr̩.ta.jæ/ [FE]

ʼu n. /ˈʔu/, pl. ayu [., FE]

thing (abstract or concrete)
ʼuo pn. /ˈʔu.o/ [.] something
ʼupe, peu pn. /ˈʔu.pɛ, pɛ.ˈu/ [.] what (thing)
fraʼu pn. /ˈfɾa.ʔu/ [.] everything
keʼu pn. /ˈkɛ.ʔu/ [.] nothing, none
keʼu adv. /ˈkɛ.ʔu/ [.] none at all, not at all

ʼul /ˈʔul/

nìʼul adv. /nɪ.ˈʔul/ [.] more
nulkrr adv. /nul.ˈkr̩/ [.] longer (time) (krr time)
nulnew v. /nul.ˈnɛu̯/, infix nuln••ew [.] rather, prefer (new to want)

ʼupxare n. /ʔu.ˈpʼa.ɾɛ/, pl. upxare [.]


a conj. /a/ [.]

which, that, who (relativizer and subordinator)
aaff. /a/ [.] (links adjectives to nouns)
alìm adv. /a.ˈlɪm/ [.] far away, at a distance (irregular from lìm be far)
asim adv. /a.ˈsim/ [.] nearby, at close range (irregular sim be near)

Akwey n. /ak.ˈwɛi̯/ [FE]

(male name)

alaksi adj. /a.ˈlak.sɪ/, attr. alaksia N. alaksi [.]


alìm adv. /a.ˈlɪm/ [.] far away, at a distance (lìm be far)

ʼÌʼawn alìm! /ʔɪ.ˈʔau̯.na.ˈlɪm/ [FE] "Stay back!"

alminf. /al.m/

compound past.pfv infix (in medial TAM position)

alo n. /a.ˈlo/ [.]

turn, instance, number of times
alo oeyä /a.ˈlo ˈwɛ.jæ/ my turn
fralo adv. /ˈfɾa.lo/ each time, every time
ʼawlo adv. /ˈʔau̯.lo/ [.] once
alo aʼaw (nìʼaw) /a.ˈlo.a.ˈʔau̯.nɪ.ˈʔau̯/ [FE] (just) one time
melo adv. /ˈmɛ.lo/ [.] twice
pxelo adv. /ˈpʼɛ.lo/ [FE] thrice
alo apxey /a.ˈlo.a.ˈpʼɛi̯/ [FE] three times
alo atsìng, tsìnga alo /a.ˈlo.a.ˈtsɪŋ, ˈtsɪ.ŋa.ˈlo/ [FE] four times
alo amrr, mrra alo /a.ˈlo.a.ˈmr, ˈmr̩.a.ˈlo/ [FE] five times

alunta conj. /a.ˈlun.ta/ [FE] because (lun reason; cf. talun(a))

alyinf. /al.j/

compound fut.pfv infix (in medial TAM position)

aminf. /a.m/

past infix (in medial TAM position)

Amhul n. /am.ˈhul/ [FE]

(female name)

ampirikx /ˈam.pi.ɾikʼ/

Short plural of ʼampirikx. leaf pitcher plant

anìheyu n. /a.nɪ.ˈhɛ.ju/ [FE]

fibonacci plant (ʼìheyu spiral)

angtsìk (agcìk) /aŋ.tsɪk/

Short plural of ʼangtsìk. Hammerhead

apxa adj. /a.ˈpʼa/, attr. apxa N. apxa [.]

apxangrr (apxagrr) n. /a.ˈpʼa. ŋr̩/ [FE] delta tree (ngrr root)
tsawlapxangrr (cawlapxagrr) n. /ˈtsau̯.la.pʼa.ŋr̩/, pl. sawlapxangrr [FE] unidelta tree (tsawl tall)

arminf. /aɾ.m/

compound past.ipfv infix (in medial TAM position)

aryinf. /aɾ.j/

compound fut.ipfv infix (in medial TAM position)

asim adv. /a.ˈsim/ [.] nearby, at close range (sim be near)

asyinf. /

compound fut.intent infix (in medial TAM position)

atan n. /a.ˈtan/ [.]

light (source of illumination)

Ateyo n. /a.ˈtɛ.jo/ [FE]

(male name)
Ateyitan n. /?/ "son of Ateyo" [to confirm]

atoki n.

atokirinaʼ n. /ˈɾi.naʔ/ [.] seeds of the great tree (rinaʼ "seed")

atxkxe n. /atʼ.ˈkʼɛ/ [.]


ats› (ac) inf. /a.ts/

evid infix (affect; added to final syllable)

au n. /ˈa.u/ [.]

drum (made of skin)

au! intj. /a.ˈu/ [.]

no, it can't be! (expresses consternation)

aungia n. /a.ˈu.ŋi.a/ [.]

sign, omen

awaiei n. /a.wa.i.ˈɛ.i/ [FE]

banshee of paradise plant

aweykta conj. /a.ˈwɛi̯k.ta/ [FE] because (oeyk cause; cf. taweyk(a))

awkx /ˈau̯kʼ/

Short plural of ʼawkx. cliff

awm /ˈau̯m/

Short plural of ʼawm. camps

awninf. /au̯.n/

pass infix (in initial valency position)

awnga (awga) pn. /au̯.ˈŋa/ [FE]

we (including you); alt. for ayoeng
dat awngaru, awngar pn. /au̯.ˈŋa.ɾu, au̯.ˈŋaɾ/ [FE]
gen awngeyä pn. /au̯.ˈŋɛ.jæ/ [FE]

ayinf. /a.j/

fut infix (in medial TAM position)

ay+ pref. /ai̯/ [FM]

(plural prefix) (causes lenition)
ayfo pn. /ai̯.ˈfo, ˈai̯.fo/ [.] they (= fo)
aylaru pn. /ai̯.ˈla.ɾu/ [.] to the others
aynga (ayga) pn. /ai̯.ˈŋa/ [.] you all
ayoe pn. /ai̯.ˈo.ɛ/ [.] we (exclusive)
ayoeng (ayoeg) pn. /ai̯.ˈwɛŋ/ [.] we (inclusive)
nìayoeng (nìayoeg) pn. /nai̯.ˈwɛŋ/ [.] like us (inclusive)

ä suff. /æ/

Form of gen −yä. after a consonant and the vowels i, u, o.

äʼo /ˈæ.ʔo/

Short plural of ʼäʼo. pitcher plant

äie n. /æ.ˈi.ɛ/ [.]

a vision

Änsìt n. /ˈæn.sɪt/ [FE]

(male name)

äng› (äg) inf. /æ.ŋ/

pej infix (affect; added to final syllable)

äoadp. /ˈæ.o/ [.]


äpinf. /æ.p/

refl infix (in initial valency position)

ätxäle n. /æ.ˈtʼæ.lɛ/ [.]

a request
ätxäle si v. /æ.ˈtʼæ.lɛ.si/, infix ätxäle s••i to (make a) request

ean adj. /ˈɛ.an/, attr. eana N. aean [.]

blue, green
nìean adv. /nɪ.ˈɛ.an/ in blue
eanean n. /ˈɛ.an.ˈɛ.an/ [FE] cheadle plant

eiinf. /ɛ.i./

approb infix (affect; added to final syllable)

ekong /ˈɛ.koŋ/

Short plural of ʼekong. beat

ekxan n. /ɛ.ˈkʼan/ [.]

obstruction, barrier, baricade

eleʼwll /ˈɛ.lɛʔ.wl̩/

Short plural of ʼeleʼwll. thorny paw plant

eltu n. /ˈɛl.tu/ [.]

a brain
eltu si v. /ˈɛl.tu si/, infix eltu s••i [.] pay attention, quit goofing off
eltungawng n. /ˈɛl.tu.ŋau̯ŋ/ [.] brainworm (hallucinogenic)
eltu lefngap n. /ɛl.tu.lɛ.ˈfŋap/ [.] computer

emzaʼu v. /ɛm.ˈza.ʔu/, infix emz•aʼ•u [.]

to pass (a test for initiation) (= em "over" + zaʼu "come")

Entu n. /ˈɛn.tu/ [FE]

(male name)

eoadp. /ˈɛ.o/ [.]

in front of

erinf. /ɛ.ɾ/

ipfv infix (in medial TAM position)

etrìp adj. /ˈɛt.ɾɪp/, attr. etrìpa N. aetrìp [.]

auspicious, favourable

eveng (eveg) /ˈɛ.vɛŋ/

Short plural of ʼeveng. child
evi /ˈɛ.vi/ Short plural of ʼevi. kid

ewll /ˈɛ.wl̩/

Short plural of ʼewll. plant

eyawr adj. /ɛi̯.ˈau̯ɾ/, attr. eyawra N. aeyawr [.]

right, correct [check syll]
keyawr adj. /kɛ.ˈjau̯ɾ/, attr. keyawra N. akeyawr [.] wrong, incorrect [syll differs]
tìyawr n. /tɪ.ˈjau̯ɾ/ [.] correctness, being correct
ngaru tìyawr [.] you're right

eyaye n. /ɛ.ˈja.jɛ/ [FE]

warbonnet fern

eykinf. /ɛi̯.k/

caus infix (in initial valency position)

eyk v. /ˈɛi̯k/, infix ••eyk [.]

eyktan n. /ˈɛi̯k.tan/ [.] leader

eylan /ˈɛi̯.lan/

Short plural of ʼeylan. friend

Eytukan n. /ˈɛi̯.tu.kan/ [FE]

(male name)

Eywa n. /ˈɛi̯.wa/ [.]

Pandoran "World spirit" and Naʼvi deity, equivalent to Gaea
Eywa ngahu /ˈɛi̯.wa ˈŋ [.] good-bye (lit. "Eywa (be) with you")
Eywaʼeveng (Eywaʼeveg) n. /ˌɛi̯.wa.ˈʔɛ.vɛŋ/ [.] Pandora (the Naʼvi world)

iʼen n. /ˈi.ʔɛn/ [.]

stringed instrument

Iknimaya n. /ˈˈma.ja/ [.]

Hallelujah Mountains (Thundering rocks, Stairway to Heaven (floating mountains))

ikran n. /ˈik.ɾan/ [.]

Mountain Banshee (a pterosaur-like animal)

ilvinf. /il.v/

compound pfv.sjv infix (in medial TAM position)

imvinf. /im.v/

compound past.sjv infix (in medial TAM position)

ioadp. /ˈi.o/ [.]


ioang (ioag) n. /i.ˈo.aŋ/ [.]

animal, beast
hìʼang n. /ˈhɪ.ʔaŋ/ [.] bug (hìʼi little)
payoang (payoag) n. /pai̯.ˈo.aŋ/, pl. fayoang [.] fish (pay water)
talioang (talioag) n. /ˈtal.i.o.aŋ/, pl. salioang [.] sturmbeest
yayo n. /ˈ [.] bird (ya air)

irayo part. /i.ˈɾ [.]

thank you
ireiyo part. /i.ˈɾɛ (Jake's pronunciation in the film) thank you
irayo si v. /i.ˈɾ si/, infix irayo s••i [FE] thank
oe ngaru seiyi irayo /ˈo.ɛ ˈŋa.ɾu sɛ.i.ˈji i.ˈɾ I thank you

irvinf. /iɾ.v/

compound ipfv.sjv infix (in medial TAM position)

it suff. /it/

acc case suffix, reduced to −t after a vowel. Also invariable −ti.

it /ˈit/

Short plural of ʼit. bit
itan /ˈi.tan/ Short plural of ʼitan. son
ite /ˈi.tɛ/ Short plural of ʼite. daughter

ivinf. /i.v/

sjv infix (in medial TAM position)

iyevinf. /i.jɛ.v/

compound fut.sjv infix (in medial TAM position)

ìheyu /ɪ.hɛ.ju/

Short plural of ʼìheyu. spiral

ìl suff. /ɪl/

erg case suffix, reduced to −l after a vowel

ìlä+ adp. /ˈɪ.læ, ɪ.ˈlæ/ [.]

along, via, following
kxamläadp. /ˈkʼam.læ/ [.] through (via the kxam middle)

ìley! intj. /ɪ.ˈlɛi̯/ [.]

alala! (battle cry)

ìlminf. /ɪl.m/

compound rec.pfv infix (in medial TAM position)

ìlyinf. /ɪl.j/

compound imm.pfv infix (in medial TAM position)

ìminf. /ɪ.m/

rec past infix (in medial TAM position)

ìmìyinf. /ɪ.mɪ.j/

compound rec.imm infix (in medial TAM position)

ìri suff. /ɪ.ɾi/

top case suffix, reduced to −ri after a vowel

ìrminf. /ɪɾ.m/

compound rec.ipfv infix (in medial TAM position)

ìryinf. /ɪɾ.j/

compound imm.ipfv infix (in medial TAM position)

Ìstaw n. /ɪ.ˈstau̯/ [FE]

(male name)

ìsyinf. /ɪ.sj/

compound imm.intent infix (in medial TAM position)

ìyinf. /ɪ.j/

imm future infix (in medial TAM position)

ìyevinf. /ɪ.jɛ.v/

Alternate of iyev.

o suff. /o/

(indefinite suffix)
lu ketuwongo nìʼaw [FE] "it's just some alien"
ayupxareo [FE] "some messages"
ʼuo pn. /ˈʔu.o/ [.] something
tuteo pn. /ˈtu.tɛ.o/ [.] somebody
tsengo (cego) adv. /ˈtsɛ.ŋo/ [.] somewhere
trro adv. /ˈtr̩.o/ [FE] one day, some day
? oeyk n. /o.ˈɛi̯k/ [.] cause

oe pn. /ˈo.ɛ/, du. moe, tri. pxoe, pl. ayoe [.,FE] /ˈmo.ɛ, ˈpʼo.ɛ, ai̯.ˈo.ɛ/ [stress trial? syll. pl?]

I, we (but not you)
erg oel pn. /ˈwɛl/, du. moel, tri. pxoel, pl. ayoel /ˈmo.ɛl, ˈpʼo.ɛl, ai̯.ˈwɛl/
acc oeti pn. /ˈwɛ.ti/, du. moeti, tri. pxoeti, pl. ayoeti /ˈmo.ɛ.ti, ˈpʼo.ɛ.ti, ai̯.ˈwɛ.ti/
gen oeyä pn. /ˈwɛ.jæ/, du. moeyä, tri. pxoeyä, pl. ayoeyä /ˈmo.ɛ.jæ, ˈpʼo.ɛ.jæ, ai̯.ˈwɛ.jæ/
dat1 oeru pn. /ˈwɛ.ɾu/, du. moeru, tri. pxoeru, pl. ayoeru /ˈmo.ɛ.ɾu, ˈpʼo.ɛ.ɾu, ai̯.ˈwɛ.ɾu/
dat2 oer pn. /ˈwɛɾ/, du. moer, tri. pxoer, pl. ayoer /ˈmo.ɛɾ, ˈpʼo.ɛɾ, ai̯.ˈwɛɾ/
top oeri pn. /ˈwɛ.ɾi/, du. moeri, tri. pxoeri, pl. ayoeri /ˈmo.ɛ.ɾi, ˈpʼo.ɛ.ɾi, ai̯.ˈwɛ.ɾi/
oehu pn. /ˈwɛ.hu/? with me
oeng (oeg) pn. /ˈwɛŋ/, tri. pxoeng, pl. ayoeng [.,FE] /ˈpʼo.ɛŋ, ai̯.ˈwɛŋ/ [stress trial?]
we two (you and I), all of us
erg oengal pn. /wɛ.ŋal/ [stress?]
acc1 oengat pn. /wɛ.ŋat/ [stress?]
acc2 oengati pn. /wɛ.ŋa.ti/ [stress?]
gen oengeyä pn. /wɛ.ŋɛ.jæ/ [confirm form]
nìayoeng (nìayoeg) adv. /nai̯.ˈwɛŋ/ [.] like us
awnga (awga) pn. /au̯.ˈŋa/ [FE] we (you and us: alt. for ayoeng)
ohe pn. /ˈo.hɛ/, du. mohe, tri. pxohe, pl. ayohe [.,FE] /ˈmo.hɛ, ˈpʼo.hɛ, ai̯.ˈo.hɛ/
I (deferential or ceremonial form)
ohe ngengasì (ohe gegasì) pn. /ˈo.hɛ ŋɛ.ˈŋa.sɪ/ [FE] we two (inclusive & formal)
gen ohengeyä (ohegeyä) /o.hɛ.ŋɛ.jæ/ our (inclusive dual & formal) [stress?]

oeyk n. /o.ˈɛi̯k/ [.]

cause (eyk to lead)
oeyktìng (oeyktìg) v. /o.ˈɛi̯k.tɪŋ/, infix oeykt••ìng [.] explain, say why
tìoeyktìng (tìoeyktìg) n. /tɪ.o.ˈɛi̯k.tɪŋ, tɪ.ˈwɛi̯k.tɪŋ/, pl. sìoeyktìg [FE] explanation
taweyka, taweyk conj. /ta.ˈwɛi̯.ka, ta.ˈwɛi̯k/ [.] because (English clause order)
aweykta conj. /a.ˈwɛi̯k.ta/ [FE] because (opposite clause order)

ohakx adj. /o.ˈhakʼ/, attr. ohakxa N. aohakx [.]

tìohakx n. /tɪ.o.ˈhakʼ/ [.] hunger
ʼefu ohakx /ˈʔɛ.fu.o.ˈhakʼ/ [.] be hungry

oìsss! intj. /o.ˈɪsː/ [.]

(hiss, snarl; expresses anger)

ok /ˈok/

Short plural of ʼok. memory

olinf. /o.l/

pfv infix (in medial TAM position)

oloʼ n. /o.ˈloʔ/ [.]

oloʼeyktan n. /o.lo.ˈʔɛi̯k.tan/ [.] clan leader

Omatikaya n. /ˈka.ja/ [F]

the Blue Flute Clan
gen Omatikayaä /ˈka.ja.æ/ [FE] (irregular)

omum v. /ˈo.mum/, infix •om•um [.]

nìawnomum adv. /nɪ.au̯.ˈno.mum/ [.] as is known

ontu n. /ˈon.tu/ [.]


opin /ˈ

Short plural of ʼopin. color

ora /ˈo.ɾa/

Short plural of ʼora. lake

Otranyu n. /ot.ˈɾan.ju/ [FE]

(clan name)

ukxo adj. /u.ˈkʼo/, attr. ukxoa N. aukxo [.]


ulte conj. /ˈul.tɛ/ [.]

and (joins clauses)

ultxa n. /ul.ˈtʼa/ [.]

ultxa si v. /ul.ˈtʼ, infix ultxa s••i [FE] meet, have a meeting (use hu for 'with')
ultxarun v. /ul.ˈtʼa.ɾun/, infix ultxar••un [FE] encounter, meet (by chance; run find)

unil n. /ˈu.nil/ [.]

uniltaron n. /ˈu.nil.ˈta.ɾon/ [.] Dream Hunt (initiation ceremony)
uniltìrantokx n. /ˈu.nil.tɪ.ˈɾan.tokʼ/ [.] an avatar (dreamwalker body) (tìran to walk, tokx body)
uniltìranyu n. /ˈu.nil.tɪ.ˈɾan.ju/ [.] dreamwalker

uoadp. /ˈu.o/ [.]


upxare /u.ˈpʼa.ɾɛ/

Short plural of ʼupxare. message

ur suff. /uɾ/

dat case suffix, from *−uru; reduced to −ru (and frequently shortened to −r) after a vowel

usinf. /u.s/

actv infix (in initial valency position)

utral n. /ˈut.ɾal/ [.]

ut suff. /ut/ [SG] (suffix in various tree names)
Utral Aymokriyä n. /ˈut.ɾal ai̯.ˈmok.ɾi.jæ/ [.] Tree of Voices (mokri voice)
Vitrautral n. /vit.ˈɾa.ut.ɾal/ [.] the Tree of Souls

uvan n. /u.ˈvan/ [.]

a game
uvan si v. /u.ˈ, infix uvan s••i [.] play a game

uyinf. /u.j/

form infix (affect; added to final syllable)