Modern Greek/Alphabet

  • There are 24 letters in the greek alphabet
  • The greek alphabet has 5 vowel SOUNDS.
  • Some of them look like letters from this alphabet, but they are not to be confused (lowercase "ni" looks like "v" but it is said like "n").

The letters

Letter Name Name (transliterated) Pronunciation As in
Αα αλφα alpha /a/ aardvark
Ββ βητα beta /v/ van
Γγ γαμα gamma /gh/ wool
Δδ δελτα delta /dh/ this
Εε εψιλον epsillon /e/ engine
Ζζ ζιτα zita /z/ zone
Ηη ητα ita /i/ wing
Θθ θητα thita /th/ thanks
Ιι ιωτα yiota /i/ wing
Κκ καπα kappa /k/ cat
Λλ λαμδα lamda /l/ light
Μμ μι mi /m/ market
Νν νι ni /n/ not
Ξξ ξι ksi /x/ next
Οο ομικρον omikron /o/ pot
Ππ πι pi /p/ spit
Ρρ ρο rho /r/ right
Σσ, ς* σιγμα sigma /s/ sister
Ττ ταυ taf /t/ top
Υυ υψιλον ipsillon /i/ wing
Φφ φι fi /f/ foot
Χχ χι chi /h/(ch) loch (guttural)
Ψψ ψι psi /ps/ lips
Ωω ωμεγα omega /o/ pot
  • ς is used at the end of a word only.


Combination pronounced As in
αι /e/ tell
ει /i/ sting
οι /i/ sting
ου /oo/(ou) tool
αυ /av/ slav
/af/ foot
ευ /ev/ bevel
/ef/ left


Combination Pronounced
μπ- /b/
-μπ- /mb/
ντ- /d/
-ντ- /nd/
γκ- /g/
-γκ- /ng/
-γγ- /ng/
τζ- /dj/
τσ- /ts/