Modern Greek/Lesson 05.1

Introducing Yourself


Πώς είναι το όνομά σας - What is your name? (Literally, "How are you named?")

Πώς σε λένε; - What is your name? (Informal)

Πώς σας λένε; - What is your name? (Formal)

Το όνομά μου είναι Μιχάλης - My name is Michael.

Με λένε Μιχάλη - My name is Michael (Literally, "They call me Michael.")

I'm Greek.

Αγγλικά Ελληνικά
English   ο Άγγλος, η Αγγλίδα (listen)
American   o Αμερικανός, η Αμερικανίδα (listen)
French   ο Γάλλος, η Γαλλίδα (listen)
German   ο Γερμανός, η Γερμανίδα (listen)
Chinese   ο Κινέζος η Κινέζα (listen)
Spanish   ο Ισπανός, η Ισπανίδα (listen)
Greek   ο Έλληνας, η Ελληνίδα (listen)
Turkish   ο Τούρκος, η Τουρκάλα (listen)


  • Note that every one of these words has ο or η in front of it this tells us that these are nouns. The ο or η also tells us the gender, ο is for masculine and η is for feminine.
  • Some of the words introduced in the above table have two forms, one for males and another for females. This roughly corresponds to the actor and actress that is present in English. If the masculine ends in ος the feminine is often formed by adding ίδα after dropping the ος. But this is not always the case if we look at the words for Chinese. It is wrong to use the masculine form to describe yourself if you are female.


  • Είμαι Άγγλος.
  • Είσαι Ελληνίδα;
  • Είμαι Γερμανίδα.