Modern Greek/Lesson 06.1

Lesson 6.1: Numbers 1-10


This lesson will teach you the cardinal numbers 1-10, i.e. as used for counting.

1 - 10


The numbers 1 - 10 are listed below, along with some sample English words derived from the Greek, which might help you learn them.

The Numbers · Οι αριθμοί
Number Greek English Derivatives
1 ένα Unary
2 δύο Duet
3 τρία Trio, Trilogy
4 τέσσερα Tesseract
5 πέντε Pentagon
6 έξι Hexagon
7 επτά or εφτά Heptathlon
8 οκτώ or οχτώ Octopus
9 εννέα or εννιά Ennead
10 δέκα Decathlon

The Exceptions


The numbers above are all strictly speaking the neutral form of the numbers, which are used when counting generally. As seen in previous lessons there are masculine, feminine, neutral, and singular and plural nouns. Obviously there is no plural form of "1" and no singular form of any number bigger than 1. Also in all cases but three the masculine, feminine and neutral are the same. The only exceptions are 1, 3 and 4. These are the nominative forms.

The Numbers · Οι αριθμοί
Number Masc. Fem. Neut.
1 ένας μια ένα
3 τρεις τρεις τρία
4 τέσσερις τέσσερις τέσσερα

A further grammatical note


The forms listed here are all in the nominative case. The numbers are declinable and so change for the accusative and genitive.


  • We have learnt the cardinal numbers 1 - 10.
  • We have learnt that there are three exceptions that decline with gender.



Now try the exercises here