Hobo tourism/Viktor Pinchuk's expedition to Papua New Guinea

Expedition to Papua New Guinea — conditional name of the project of the Russian traveler Viktor Pinchuk.

Border crossing between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
From left to right: Indonesian Papuans (1-2); traveler (3); a representative of the border guard (4).
Letter of Recommendation from the Ukrainian Consulate in Kuala Lumpur to Papuan colleagues to open a visa to the Crimean travel journalist
Papua New Guinea visa (was obtained in the capital of Malaysia)

The semi-annual route was included nine countries: Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, China, Hong Kong, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand.

General information

  • Duration: 6 months.
  • Period: 13.12. 2012 — 5. 06. 2013
  • Idea: Viktor Pinchuk.
  • Number of participants: 1 (one).
  • Starting point: Kuala Lumpur.
  • Number of countries visited: nine (including 9 Islands).
  • Way to get: plane.
  • Ways to move: air transport, land transport, water transport, pedestrian routes.
  • Nature of the journey: research, photography.
  • Purpose: collection of material on countries and continents.
  • Format: lengthy hobo tour, bum tour.

Places visited

  • Malaysia (West Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, Labuan). Localities: Kuala Lumpur, Raub, Ulu Dong, Jeram Besu, Kota Kinabalu, Menumbok, Bandar Labuan, Miri, Sandakan, Sukau, Keningau (transit), Malacca City.
  • Brunei (both parts). Localities: Muara (transit), Bandar Seri Begawan, Tutong.
  • Indonesia (Sumatra, Java, Sumbawa, Sulawesi, Western New Guinea). Localities: Dumai, Kota Pinang (transit), Parapat, Tuk-tuk and Tomok villages (Samosir), Bukittinggi, Maninjau (village on the shore of lake the same name), Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Borobudur (village near the temple), Surabaya, Probolinggo (transit), Cemoro Lawang, Denpasar (transit), Mataram,Sumbawa Besar, Putopedu, Bima, Sape, Tolokalo, Makassar, Wamena, Kurima, Lonsor, Harapan, Napua, Kurulu, Pasir putih, Jayapura.
  • Papua New Guinea. Localities: Vanimo, Varaston, Aitape, Wewak, Madang, Mount Hagen, Amaral, Tukusunda, Lae, Port Moresby.
  • Hong Kong (main island and Lantau Island). Localities: Tai O (fishing town).
  • China. Localities: Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Huangshan, Hongcun (traditional village), Shanghai, Suzhou, Tongli (village on the water), Zhouzhuang (village on the water), Beijing, Pingyao, Xi'an, Guilin, Yangshuo County, Kunming (transit).
  • Laos. Localities: Luang Prabang, Xam Neua, Vang Vieng, Vientiane, Pakse, Champasak.
  • Cambodia. Localities: Phnom Penh, Kampong Thom, Siem Reap.
  • Thailand. Localities: Bangkok, Ayutthaya, Chiang Mai, Sukhothai, Buriram, Nakhon Ratchasima.

Мap of the route

The methods applied


In the process of moving along the route the following accommodation options were used:

Outcomes and results


Author’s articles published in "Republic of Crimea" (newspaper): (in Russian):

  • Полгода по островам… — 4. 07. 2013. — № 18 (990);
  • На Борнео через Калимантан — 18. 07. 2013. — № 19 (991);
  • Брунейские приключения начинаются… — 1. 08. 2013. — № 20 (992);
  • Новый год на Змеином озере — 22. 08. 2013. — № 21 (992);
  • Назад в Малайзию: туда, где ещё не бывал — 5. 09. 2013. — № 22 (994);
  • Две лестницы и 100 долларов за подъём — 19. 09. 2013. — № 23 (995);
  • Фауна малайского Борнео — 3. 10. 2013. — № 24 (996);
  • Два Сусанина для одного иностранца — 24. 10. 2013. — № 25 (997);
  • Медицина по-малазийски — 14. 10. 2013. — № 26 (998);
  • Крымский гуру на Суматре — 13. 12. 2013. — № 28 (1000);
  • Печальная школа автостопа — 16. 01. 2014. — № 1 (1002);
  • Жемчужина Западной Суматры — 30. 01. 2014. — № 2 (1003);
  • Наяву на Яву прибыл… — 13. 02. 2014. — № 3 (1004);
  • Череззаборный «тур» на Боробудур — 19. 03. 2014. — № 5 (1006);
  • В джунглях культурной столицы — 27. 03. 2014. — № 6 (1007);
  • Остров действующих вулканов — 19. 04. 2014. — № 7 (1008);
  • Через три острова… автобусом — 24. 04. 2014. — № 8 (1009).

Author’s articles in other periodicals (in Russian):

  • «Гость – на кровати, хозяин – на коврике» — Republic: newspaper. — 14.11.2013. — № 44 (129);
  • «От дуриана до мангостина» — Republic: newspaper. — 29.05.2014. — № 19 (154);
  • «Заметки международного БОМЖа» — Crimean time: newspaper. — 4.09.2014. — № 35 (3390);
  • «Очень вкусный... паучок!» — Crimean time: newspaper. — 25.09.2014. — № 38 (3393).

In addition

Problems, difficult moments



  1. Pinchuk, Viktor. Six months by islands... and countries (in Russian). Russia: Brovko. p. 40 - 45. ISBN 978-5-9908234-0-2.