
French Tenses - The Basics edit

In English, an infinitive is given with to in the front of it. To talk in English is an infinitive. In French, however, all infinitives are in the form of a single word. To talk in French is parler.

There are three types of "regular" verbs in French. That is, these verbs follow a common pattern when conjugated. For these verbs, all you need to know is the infinitive and you can conjugate them for every tense. These verbs are the -er, -ir, and -re verbs. Meaning they all share the common -er, -ir, or -re ending. Just because a verb ends in one of these endings doesn't necessarily make it regular, it could still be irregular.

Irregular verbs follow no real common pattern and must each be learned. In most cases, the form of an irregular verb is different from the common patterns that regular verbs follow in every tense.

In addition to past, present, and future tenses, French has a series of conjugations depending on the usage of the verb.

Verb tenses sorted by mood edit

Non-finite forms edit

L'indicatif (The indicative mood) edit

Simple tenses edit

Perfect tenses edit

Other tenses edit

Le subjonctif (The subjunctive mood) edit

L'impératif (The imperative mood) edit

Le conditionnel (The conditional mood) edit

Verb tenses sorted by type edit

Simple tenses edit

Perfect tenses edit

Perfect tense components edit

Other tenses edit

Verb tenses sorted by time edit

Past edit

Present edit

Future edit

Future Simple

See also edit

External links edit