Cookbook:Unripe Plantain and Potato Porridge

Unripe Plantain and Potato Porridge
CategoryPorridge recipes

Cookbook | Ingredients | Recipes | Cuisine of Nigeria

This is a Nigerian dish prepared with unripe plantain, sweet potato, and ugwu.

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Preparation edit

  1. Grind the peppers, onions, and ginger together.
  2. Boil the pomo and stockfish until soft.
  3. Put the diced plantain and potatoes in a pot, and add enough water to cover it. Bring to a boil.
  4. Add palm oil, salt, blended pepper mixture, diced onions, crayfish, pomo, stockfish, and seasoning cubes. Cover the pot and allow to cook until soft.
  5. Add the ugwu leaves, and cook for 2 minutes.
  6. Serve.