Cookbook:Stuffed Crabs (Casquinha de Siri)

Stuffed Crabs (Casquinha de Siri)
CategorySeafood recipes

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  1. Heat olive oil and sauté onions until soft.
  2. Stir in crabmeat for 3–5 minutes. Add tomatoes and simmer for 5–8 minutes.
  3. Add coconut milk, salt, pepper and palm oil, cooking for 3–5 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat, add flour at small quantities, stirring continually. Bring the pan back to heat, cooking until you get a cream. Stir in parsley and green onions. Remove from heat.
  5. Fill the shells or oven-proof dishes with this mixture, top with bread crumbs mixed with Parmesan cheese.
  6. Bake for 15–20 minutes or until lightly brown.