Cookbook:Sailor's Sauce (Hartshorne)

Sailor's Sauce (Hartshorne)
CategorySauce recipes
Yield500 ml
Time40 minutes

Cookbook | Ingredients | Recipes | Sauces

Sailor's sauce is a deeply rich sauce that can be used for a number of meat-based dishes. This recipe is an interpreted method from the original recipe in Henry Hartshorne's the Household Cyclopedia.[1]

Ingredients edit

Procedure edit

  1. Chop the liver, shallots, truffles or mushrooms.
  2. Heat a saucepan with oil. Once hot, add the above mixture and fry for 1 minute.
  3. Add the gravy, wine, salt, and pepper. Simmer for half an hour.
  4. Strain contents and serve.

References edit

  1. Hartshorne, Henry (1881). The Household Cyclopedia. p. 321.

This page incorporates text from the public domain cookbook Household Cyclopedia by Henry Hartshorne.