Cookbook:Nigerian Cassava Fufu

Nigerian Cassava Fufu
CategorySwallow recipes

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Fufu is a staple cuisine in Africa, especially in Nigeria, where it is widely consumed and considered a variety of swallow. Potato, yam, plantain, and cassava are just a few of the starchy foods that can be made into fufu. Cassava fufu, which is prepared from processed cassava, is the most prevalent type of fufu in Nigeria.

Fufu can be made in a variety of ways, the most common of which is by pounding cassava purée. To create a smooth consistency, the technique normally entails thoroughly combining and pounding various parts of boiling cassava with water. The pounding process is time-consuming because it requires the use of a mortar and pestle. This recipe saves time by preparing the fufu from pre-processed cassava flour, which does not need to be pounded.






  1. Bring the water to a boil in a large pot. Stir in the cassava flour, working out any lumps.
  2. Once the lumps are completely dissolved, add a small amount of water just above the cassava. Place the contents over a high to medium heat and stir intermittently.
  3. The water will dry out after 10 minutes or longer of stirring, and the paste will thicken. Stir thoroughly until all of the whitish paste has combined and turned into a thick creamy tint.
  4. Sprinkle water over it to keep it from becoming too thick, and flip it over to cook the other side. Scrape the edges of the pot and the wooden turner with a spoon if they appear hard and sticky.
  5. When the fufu has softened and turned from a bright white to a creamy texture, remove it from the pot.
  6. Place the cooked fufu on a flat surface or tray and set aside for 5 minutes to cool.
  7. Hand-mix the fufu and roll it into balls like dough.

Notes, tips, and variations

  • Fufu is not sweet on it's own, and the best way to enjoy it is eating it with stews and soups.