Cookbook:Asida (Sudanese Porridge)

Asida (Sudanese Porridge)
CategoryPorridge recipes

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Asida is a traditional Sudanese porridge made from cooked wheat or sorghum flour. Often sweetened with honey or dates and flavored with spices, asida is a nourishing food that is enjoyed on various occasions, from family gatherings to festive celebrations.






  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt. Mix well to ensure the salt is evenly distributed.
  2. In a large saucepan or pot, bring the water to a boil. Gradually add the flour mixture to the boiling water, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon or spatula to prevent lumps from forming.
  3. Reduce the heat to low and continue stirring the mixture until it thickens to a porridge-like consistency. This usually takes around 10–15 minutes. Be sure to scrape the sides and bottom of the pot while stirring to prevent sticking.
  4. Once the porridge thickens, remove the pot from heat. Wet your hands with cold water to prevent sticking, then shape the hot asida into a smooth, round mound or ball. You can also shape it into individual portions if desired.
  5. Make a small well in the center of the asida and fill it with honey or place a few dates. Sprinkle ground cinnamon or cardamom over the top for additional flavor, if desired.
  6. Transfer the asida to a serving dish or individual plates. Drizzle a little clarified butter or vegetable oil over the top for added richness and shine. Asida is traditionally eaten by tearing off a piece of the porridge with your fingers, rolling it into a small ball, and dipping it into the honey or date filling. It can be enjoyed warm or at room temperature.