Category:Book:Clock and Data Recovery

This category contains pages that are part of the Clock and Data Recovery book. If a page of the book isn't showing here, please add text {{BookCat}} to the end of the page concerned. You can view a list of all subpages under the book main page (not including the book main page itself), regardless of whether they're categorized, here.


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Pages in category "Book:Clock and Data Recovery"

More recent additions More recent modifications
  1. Clock and Data Recovery/Structures and types of CDRs/The CDR Phase and Frequency Detector PFD
  2. Clock and Data Recovery/Structures and types of CDRs/Applications of the 2nd order type 2 architecture
  3. Clock and Data Recovery/Structures and types of CDRs/Applications of the 2nd order type 1 architecture
  4. Clock and Data Recovery/Burst and Continuous transmission modes
  5. Clock and Data Recovery/Structures and types of CDRs/Applications of the 1st order type 1 architecture
  6. Clock and Data Recovery/Buffer Memory (Elastic Buffer)/Cascades of Buffers and CDRs, delays and tolerance
  7. Clock and Data Recovery/Noise is shaped by the PLL structure
  8. Clock and Data Recovery/Structures and types of CDRs/The (slave) CDR based on a second order PLL/2nd order type 2
  9. Clock and Data Recovery/Structures and types of CDRs/The CDR based on a first order PLL
  10. Clock and Data Recovery/Structures and types of CDRs/The (slave) CDR based on a second order PLL/2nd order type 1
  1. Clock and Data Recovery/Introduction/Models can only be linear..
  2. Clock and Data Recovery/Structures and types of CDRs/The CDR' amplifier/filter
  3. Clock and Data Recovery/Conclusion
  4. Clock and Data Recovery
  5. Clock and Data Recovery/Burst and Continuous transmission modes
  6. Clock and Data Recovery/Structures and types of CDRs
  7. Clock and Data Recovery/Structures and types of CDRs/Examples
  8. Clock and Data Recovery/Introduction/Acquisition, tracking and jitter performances
  9. Clock and Data Recovery/Buffer Memory (Elastic Buffer)/Cascades of Buffers and CDRs, delays and tolerance
  10. Clock and Data Recovery/Structures and types of CDRs/The jitter tolerance function

The following 27 pages are in this category, out of 27 total.