BlitzMax/Modules/User input/Polled input

The polled input module provides an easy way to detect keyboard and mouse input.

The functions in this module are only available when your program is running in Graphics mode. When working on GUI applications, you should use events instead.

Functions edit

AppSuspended edit

Function AppSuspended()

Description: Get app suspended state

Returns: True if application is currently suspended.

AppTerminate edit

Function AppTerminate()

Description: Return app terminate state

Returns: True if user has requested to terminate application


Graphics 640,480,0

While Not AppTerminate() Or Not Confirm( "Terminate?" )

	DrawText MouseX()+","+MouseY(),0,0


KeyHit edit

Function KeyHit( key )

Description: Check for key hit

Returns: Number of times key has been hit.

Information: The returned value represents the number of the times key has been hit since the last call to KeyHit with the same key.

See the key codes module for a list of valid key codes.


' keyhit.bmx

' the following code draws a circle every time the
' program detects the spacebar has been pressed
' and exits when it detects the ESCAPE key has
' been pressed

graphics 640,480
while not keyhit(KEY_ESCAPE)
	if keyhit(KEY_SPACE) drawoval 0,0,640,480

KeyDown edit

Function KeyDown( key )

Description: Check for key state

Returns: True if key is currently down

Information: See the key codes module for a list of valid keycodes.


' keydown.bmx

' the following code draws a circle if the
' program detects the spacebar is pressed
' and exits when it detects the ESCAPE key has
' been pressed

Graphics 640,480
While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
	If KeyDown(KEY_SPACE) DrawOval 0,0,640,480

GetChar edit

Function GetChar()

Description: Get next character

Returns: The character code of the next character.

Information: As the user hits keys on the keyboard, BlitzMax records the character codes of these keystrokes into an internal 'character queue'.

GetChar removes the next character code from this queue and returns it the application.

If the character queue is empty, 0 is returned.

FlushKeys edit

Function FlushKeys()

Description: Flush key states and character queue.

Information: FlushKeys resets the state of all keys to 'off', and resets the character queue used by GetChar.

MouseX edit

Function MouseX()

Description: Get mouse x location

Returns: Mouse x axis location

Information: The returned value is relative to the left of the screen.


' mousex.bmx

' the following tracks the position of the mouse

graphics 640,480
while not keyhit(KEY_ESCAPE)
	drawoval mousex()-10,mousey()-10,20,20

MouseY edit

Function MouseY()

Description: Get mouse y location

Returns: Mouse y axis location

Information: The returned value is relative to the top of the screen.


' mousey.bmx

' the following tracks the position of the mouse

graphics 640,480
while not keyhit(KEY_ESCAPE)
	drawrect mousex()-10,mousey()-10,20,20

MouseZ edit

Function MouseZ()

Description: Get mouse wheel

Returns: Mouse wheel value

Information: The mouse wheel value increments when the mouse wheel is rolled 'away' from the user, and decrements when the mouse wheel is rolled 'towards' the user.


' mousez.bmx

' prints mousez() the mousewheel position

Graphics 640,480
While Not keyhit(KEY_ESCAPE)
	drawtext "MouseZ()="+MouseZ(),0,0

MouseXSpeed edit

Function MouseXSpeed()

Description: Get mouse x speed

Returns: Mouse x speed

MouseYSpeed edit

Function MouseYSpeed()

Description: Get mouse y speed

Returns: Mouse y speed

MouseZSpeed edit

Function MouseZSpeed()

Description: Get mouse z speed

Returns: Mouse z speed

FlushMouse edit

Function FlushMouse()

Description: Flush mouse button states

Information: FlushMouse resets the state of all mouse buttons to 'off'.

MouseHit edit

Function MouseHit( button )

Description: Check for mouse button click

Returns: Number of times button has been clicked.

Information: The returned value represents the number of the times button has been clicked since the last call to MouseHit with the same button.

button should be 1 for the left mouse button, 2 for the right mouse button or 3 for the middle mouse button.


' mousehit.bmx

graphics 640,480

while not keyhit(KEY_ESCAPE)
	if mousehit(1) drawrect 0,0,200,200
	if mousehit(2) drawrect 200,0,200,200
	if mousehit(3) drawrect 400,0,200,200

MouseDown edit

Function MouseDown( button )

Description: Check for mouse button down state

Returns: True if button is currently down

Information: button should be 1 for the left mouse button, 2 for the right mouse button or 3 for the middle mouse button.


' mousedown.bmx

graphics 640,480

while not keyhit(KEY_ESCAPE)
	if mousedown(1) drawrect 0,0,200,200
	if mousedown(2) drawrect 200,0,200,200
	if mousedown(3) drawrect 400,0,200,200

WaitKey edit

Function WaitKey()

Description: Wait for a key press

Returns: The keycode of the pressed key

Information: WaitKey suspends program execution until a key has been hit. The keycode of this key is then returned to the application.

See the key codes module for a list of valid keycodes.

WaitChar edit

Function WaitChar()

Description: Wait for a key press

Returns: The character code of the pressed key

Information: WaitChar suspends program execution until a character is available from GetChar. This character is then returned to the application.

WaitMouse edit

Function WaitMouse()

Description: Wait for mouse button click

Returns: The clicked button

Information: WaitMouse suspends program execution until a mouse button is clicked.

WaitMouse returns 1 if the left mouse button was clicked, 2 if the right mouse button was clicked or 3 if the middle mouse button was clicked.