The Blitz runtime module provides low level functionality required by BlitzMax applications when they are running. This includes things like memory management, exception handling and string and array operations.
Much of the functionality provided by this module is hidden from application programmers, but is instead used 'behind the scenes' by the compiler. However, there are some very useful commands for debugging, memory management and simple standard IO.
editGlobal AppDir$="bbAppDir"
Description: Application directory
Information: The AppDir global variable contains the fully qualified directory of the currently executing application. An application's initial current directory is also set to AppDir when an application starts.
' appdir.bmx ' requests the user to select a file from the application's directory Print "Application Directory="+AppDir$ file$=RequestFile("Select File to Open","",False,AppDir$) Print "file selected was :"+file
editGlobal AppFile$="bbAppFile"
Description: Application file name
Information: The AppFile global variable contains the fully qualified file name of the currently executing application.
' appfile.bmx Print "This program's executable is located at "+AppFile$
editGlobal AppTitle$="bbAppTitle"
Description: Application title
Information: The AppTitle global variable is used by various commands when a default application title is required - for example, when opening simple windows or requesters. Initially, AppTitle is set the value "BlitzMax Application". However, you may change AppTitle at any time with a simple assignment.
editGlobal AppArgs$[]="bbAppArgs"
Description: Arguments passed to the application at startup
Information: The AppArgs global array contains the command line parameters sent to an application when it was started. The first element of AppArgs always contains the name of the application. However, the format of the name may change depending on how the application was launched. Use AppDir or AppFile for consistent information about the applications name or directory.
' appargs.bmx ' print the command line arguments passed to the program at runtime Print "Number of arguments = "+AppArgs.length For a$=EachIn AppArgs Print a$ Next
editGlobal LaunchDir$="bbLaunchDir"
Description: Directory from which application was launched
Information: The LaunchDir global variable contains the current directory at the time the application was launched. This is mostly of use to command line tools which may need to access the 'shell' current directory as opposed to the application directory.
' launchdir.bmx Print "This program was launched from "+LaunchDir$
editFunction RuntimeError( message$ )
Description: Generate a runtime error
Information: Throws a TRuntimeException.
' runtimeerror.bmx If a=0 RuntimeError "This program has failed badly."
editFunction DebugStop()
Description: Stop program execution and enter debugger
Information: If there is no debugger present, this command is ignored.
editFunction DebugLog( message$ )
Description: Write a string to debug log
Information: If there is no debugger present, this command is ignored.
Comment: note that, unlike Assert, DebugLog will get compiled regardless of the compilation mode - just that nothing is printed in Release mode.
editFunction OnEnd( fun() )
Description: Add a function to be called when the program ends
Information: OnEnd allows you to specify a function to be called when the program ends. OnEnd functions are called in the reverse order to that in which they were added.
' onend.bmx Function cleanup() Print "cleaning up" End Function OnEnd cleanup Print "program running" End 'the cleanup function will be called at this time
editFunction ReadStdin$()
Description: Read a string from stdin
Returns: A string read from stdin. The newline terminator, if any, is included in the returned string.
editFunction WriteStdout( str$ )
Description: Write a string to stdout
Information: Writes str to stdout and flushes stdout.
editFunction WriteStderr( str$ )
Description: Write a string to stderr
Information: Writes str to stderr and flushes stderr.
editFunction Delay( millis )
Description: Wait for a given number of milliseconds
Information: Delay suspends program execution for at least millis milliseconds. A millisecond is one thousandth of a second.
editFunction MilliSecs())
Description: Get millisecond counter
Returns: Milliseconds since computer turned on.
Information: MilliSecs returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since the computer was turned on. A millisecond is one thousandth of a second.
editFunction MemAlloc:Byte Ptr( size )
Description: Allocate memory
Returns: A new block of memory size bytes long
editFunction MemFree( mem:Byte Ptr )
Description: Free allocated memory
Information: The memory specified by mem must have been previously allocated by MemAlloc or MemExtend.
editFunction MemExtend:Byte Ptr( mem:Byte Ptr,size,new_size )
Description: Extend a block of memory
Returns: A new block of memory new_size bytes long
Information: An existing block of memory specified by mem and size is copied into a new block of memory new_size bytes long. The existing block is released and the new block is returned.
editFunction MemClear( mem:Byte Ptr,size )
Description: Clear a block of memory to 0
editFunction MemCopy( dst:Byte Ptr,src:Byte Ptr,size )
Description: Copy a non-overlapping block of memory
editFunction MemMove( dst:Byte Ptr,src:Byte Ptr,size )
Description: Copy a potentially overlapping block of memory
editFunction GCSetMode( mode )
Description: Set garbage collector mode
mode can be one of the following:
1 : automatic GC - memory will be automatically garbage collected
2 : manual GC - no memory will be collected until a call to GCCollect is made
The default GC mode is automatic GC.
editFunction GCSuspend()
Description: Suspend garbage collector
GCSuspend temporarily suspends the garbage collector. No garbage
collection will be performed following a call to GCSuspend.
Use GCResume to resume the garbage collector. Note that GCSuspend
and GCResume 'nest', meaning that each call to GCSuspend must be
matched by a call to GCResume.
editFunction GCResume()
Description: Resume garbage collector
GCResume resumes garbage collection following a call to GCSuspend.
See GCSuspend for more details.
editFunction GCCollect()
Description: Run garbage collector
Returns: The amount of memory, in bytes, collected.
Information: This function will have no effect if the garbage collector has been suspended due to GCSuspend.
editFunction GCMemAlloced()
Description: Memory allocated by application
Returns: The amount of memory, in bytes, currently allocated by the application
Information: This function only returns 'managed memory'. This includes all objects, strings and arrays in use by the application.
editFunction GCEnter()
Description: Private: do not use
editFunction GCLeave()
Description: Private: do not use
editFunction HandleFromObject( obj:Object )
Description: Convert object to integer handle
Returns: An integer object handle
Information: After converting an object to an integer handle, you must later release it using the Release command.
editFunction HandleToObject:Object( handle )
Description: Convert integer handle to object
Returns: The object associated with the integer handle
' handlefromobject.bmx Type MyType Field x:Int=100 End Type Local obj:MyType=New MyType Local handle:Int=HandleFromObject(obj) Print "handle = "+handle Local obj2:MyType=MyType(HandleToObject(handle)) If obj=obj2 Then Print "obj = obj2" Print "x = "+obj2.x Release handle
editDescription: Set strict mode
Information: See BASIC Compatibility for more information on Strict mode programming.
Comment: In Strict mode automatic data typing is permitted. The default data type is Int.
Rem Strict advises the BlitzMax compiler to report as errors all auto defined variables. End Rem Strict local a=10 b=20 'compiler error, strict mode means variables must be declared b4 use
editDescription: Set SuperStrict mode
Comment: In SuperStrict mode data types must always be specified.
editDescription: End program execution
Rem The End command causes a program to exit immediately. End Rem Print "Hello!" End Print "This line will never be printed as the program has already been ended."
editDescription: Begin a remark block
Rem My Rem Example First created 9th August, 2004 (C)2050 Blitz Intergalactic Software Corporation End Rem Print "This program has no useful function" Rem Remarks are useful for making your program easily readable. You can leave details explaining the function of your program in a remarks section so that you and any other programmers that work with your code can more easily understand the workings of your program End Rem Print "Sorry." End
editDescription: End a remark block
Rem All code between Rem and EndRem is ignored by the BlitzMax compiler. Print "hello" End Rem Print "goodbye"
editDescription: Constant integer of value 1
Rem True is a Constant Integer assigned the value 1. End Rem Print "True="+True If True Print "This line will always be executed" EndIf If Not True Print "This line will never be executed" EndIf
editDescription: Constant integer of value 0
Rem False is a Constant Integer assigned the value 0. End Rem Print "False="+False If False Print "This code will never be executed" Endif
editDescription: Constant Pi value: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
Rem Pi is a Constant Double assigned the value 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 End Rem Print "Pi="+Pi
editDescription: Get Default Null value
Rem Null is a BlitzMax Constant representing an empty Object reference. End Rem Type mytype Field atypevariable End Type Global a:mytype if a=null Print "a is uninitialized" a=new mytype if a<>null Print "a is initialized"
editDescription: Unsigned 8 bit integer Type
Rem Byte is an unsigned 8 bit integer BlitzMax primitive type. End Rem Local a:Byte a=512;Print "a="+a 'prints 0 a=-1;Print "a="+a 'prints 255
editDescription: Unsigned 16 bit integer Type
Rem Short is an unsigned 16 bit integer BlitzMax primitive type. End Rem Local a:Short a=65536;Print "a="+a 'prints 0 a=-1;Print "a="+a 'prints 65535
editDescription: Signed 32 bit integer Type
Rem Int is a signed 32 bit integer BlitzMax primitive type. End Rem Local a:Int ' the following values all print 0 as BlitzMax "rounds to zero" ' when converting from floating point to integer a=0.1;Print a a=0.9;Print a a=-0.1;Print a a=-0.9;Print a
editDescription: Signed 64 bit integer Type
Rem Long is a signed 64 bit integer BlitzMax primitive type. End Rem Const MAXLONG:Long=$7fffffffffffffff:Long Const MINLONG:Long=$8000000000000000:Long Print "A long can have the maximum value of:"+MAXLONG Print "A long can have the minimum value of:"+MINLONG
editDescription: 32 bit Floating point Type
Rem Float is a 32 bit floating point BlitzMax primitive type. End Rem Local a:Float a=1 For i=1 To 8 Print a a=a*0.1 Next For i=1 To 8 a=a*10 Print a Next
editDescription: 64 bit floating point Type
Rem Double is a 64 bit floating point BlitzMax primitive type. End Rem Local speedoflight:Double Local distance:Double Local seconds:Double speedoflight=299792458:Double 'meters per second distance=149597890000:Double 'average distance in meters from earth sun seconds=distance/speedoflight Print "Number of seconds for light to travel from earth to sun="+seconds
editDescription: String Type
Rem String is a BlitzMax container type containing a sequence of unicode characters. End Rem quote:String=Chr(34) Print quote+"Hello World!"+quote
editDescription: Object Type
Rem Object is the base class of all BlitzMax types. The following function attempts to cast from any object to the custom type TImage and returns true if the given object is an instance of TImage or an instance of a &Type derived from TImage. End Rem Function IsImage(obj:Object) If TImage(obj) return True Return False End Function
editDescription: Composite Type specifier for 'by reference' types
Rem Var is a composite type containing a reference to a variable of the specified Type. End Rem ' the following illustrates parsing function parameters by reference Function ReturnMultiplevalues(a Var,b Var,c Var) a=10 b=20 c=30 Return End Function Local x,y,z ReturnMultipleValues(x,y,z) Print "x="+x '10 Print "y="+y '20 Print "z="+z '30
editDescription: Composite Type specifier for pointer types
Rem Ptr is a composite type containing a pointer to a variable of the specified Type. End Rem ' the following illustrates the use of traditional c style pointers Local c[]=[1,2,3,4] Local p:Int Ptr p=c Print "pointer 'p' points to:"+p[0] '1 p:+1 Print "pointer 'p' points to:"+p[0] '2 p:+1 Print "pointer 'p' points to:"+p[0] '3 p:+1 Print "pointer 'p' points to:"+p[0] '4
editDescription: Begin a conditional block.
Rem If begins a conditional block. End Rem If 3<5 Print "3<5" 'single line if If 5<7 'if block Print "5<7" EndIf
editDescription: Optional separator between the condition and associated code in an If statement.
Rem Then is an optional separator between the condition and the block of code following an If statement. End Rem If 3<5 Then Print "3<5"
editDescription: Else provides the ability for an If Then construct to execute a second block of code when the If condition is False.
Rem Else provides the ability for an If Then construct to execute a second block of code when the If condition is false. End Rem i=3 If i<5 Print "i<5" Else Print "i>=5" 'single line If Else If i<5 'block style If Else Print "i<5" Else Print "i>=5" EndIf
editDescription: ElseIf provides the ability to test and execute a section of code if the initial condition failed.
Rem ElseIf provides the ability to test and execute a section of code if the initial condition failed. End Rem age=Int( Input("How old Are You?") ) If age<13 Print "You are young" ElseIf age<20 Print "You are a teen!" Else Print "You are neither young nor a teen" EndIf
editDescription: Marks the end of an If Then block.
Rem EndIf marks the end of an If Then block. End Rem i=5 If i<10 Print "i<10" EndIf
editDescription: Marks the start of a loop that uses an iterator to execute a section of code repeatedly.
Rem For marks the start of a loop that uses an iterator to execute a section of code repeatedly. End Rem ' print 5 times table For i=1 to 12 Print "5*"+i+"="+5*i Next
editDescription: Followed by a constant which is used to calculate when to exit a For..Next loop.
Rem Followed by a constant which is used to calculate when to exit a For..Next loop. End Rem For i=1 To 5 Print i Next
editDescription: Specifies an optional constant that is used to increment the For iterator.
Rem Specifies an optional constant that is used to increment the For iterator. End Rem ' count backwards from 10 to 0 For i=10 to 0 step -1 Print i Next
editDescription: End a For block
Rem Marks the end of a For section. End Rem For i=1 To 5;Print i;Next
editDescription: Iterate through an array or collection
Rem Specifies a BlitzMax collection type whose values are assigned sequentially to the For iterator. End Rem Local a[]=[0,5,12,13,20] For b=EachIn a Print b Next
editDescription: Execute a block of code while a condition is True
Rem While executes the following section of code repeatedly while a given condition is true. End Rem Graphics 640,480 While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) 'loop until escape key is pressed Cls For i=1 to 200 DrawLine rnd(640),rnd(480),rnd(640),rnd(480) Next Flip Wend
editDescription: End a While block
Rem Wend marks the end of a While section. End Rem While i<5 Print i i:+1 Wend
editDescription: End a While block
editDescription: Execute a block of code until a termination condition is met, or forever
Rem Repeat executes the following section of code until a terminating condition is true. End Rem Repeat Print i i:+1 Until i=5
editDescription: Conditionally continue a Repeat block
Rem Until marks the end of a Repeat block and is followed by a terminating condition. End Rem i=2 Repeat Print i i:*2 Until i>1000000
editDescription: Continue a Repeat block forever
Rem Forever is an alternate ending to a Repeat block that will cause the loop to always repeat. End Rem Repeat Print i+" Ctrl-C to End!" i:+1 Forever
editDescription: Begin a Select block
Rem Select begins a block featuring a sequence of multiple comparisons with a single value. End Rem a=Int( Input("Enter Your Country Code ") ) Select a Case 1 Print "You are from America" Case 44 Print "You are from the United Kingdom" Case 62 Print "You are from Australia" Case 64 Print "You are from New Zealand" Default Print "I cannot tell which country you are from" End Select
editDescription: End a Select block
Rem EndSelect marks the end of a Select block. End Rem SeedRnd MilliSecs() a=Rand(5) Select a Case 1 Print "one" Case 2 Print "two" Case 3 Print "three" Case 4 Print "four" Case 5 Print "five" Default Print "Program Error" End Select
editDescription: Conditional code inside a Select block
' case.bmx ' Case performs a comparison with the preceeding value(s) and that ' listed in the enclosing Select statement: a=Int( Input("Enter a number between 1 and 5 ") ) Select a Case 1 Print "You think small" Case 2 Print "You are even tempered" Case 3,4 Print "You are middle of the road" Case 5 Print "You think big" Default Print "You are unable to follow instructions" End Select
editDescription: Default code inside a Select block
Rem Default is used in a Select block to mark a code section that is executed if all prior Case statements fail. End Rem a$=Input("What is your favorite color?") a$=Lower(a$) 'make sure the answer is lower case Select a$ Case "yellow" Print "You a bright and breezy" Case "blue" Print "You are a typical boy" Case "pink" Print "You are a typical girl" Default Print "You are quite unique!" End Select
editDescription: Exit enclosing loop
Rem Exit causes program flow to exit the enclosing While, Repeat or For loop. End Rem Repeat Print n n:+1 If n=5 Exit Forever
editDescription: Continue execution of enclosing loop
Rem Continue causes program flow to return to the start of the enclosing While, Repeat or For program loop End Rem For i=1 To 20 If i Mod 2 Continue Print i Next
editDescription: Declare a constant
Rem Const defines the preceeding variable declaration as constant. End Rem Const ON=True Const OFF=False Const TWOPI#=2*Pi Print TWOPI
editDescription: Declare a Local variable
Rem Local defines a variable as local to the Method or Function it is defined meaning it is automatically released when the function returns. End Rem Function TestLocal() Local a a=20 Print "a="+a Return End Function TestLocal Print "a="+a 'prints 0 or if in Strict mode is an error as a is only local to the TestLocal function
editDescription: Declare a Global variable
Rem Global defines a variable as Global allowing it be accessed from within Methods and Functions. End Rem Global a=20 Function TestGlobal() Print "a="+a End Function TestGlobal Print "a="+a
editDescription: Declare a Field variable
Rem Field is used to declare the member variable(s) of a type. End Rem Type TVector Field x,y,z End Type Local a:TVector=New TVector a.x=10 a.y=20 a.z=30
editDescription: Begin a Function declaration
Rem Function marks the beginning of a BlitzMax function declaration. When a function does not return a value the use of brackets when calling the function is optional. End Rem Function NextArg(a$) Local p p=Instr(a$,",") If p NextArg a$[p..] Print a$[..p-1] Else Print a$ EndIf End Function NextArg("one,two,three,four") NextArg "22,25,20" 'look ma, no brackets
editDescription: End a Function declaration
Rem Function marks the end of a BlitzMax function declaration. End Rem Function RandomName$() local a$[]=["Bob","Joe","Bill"] Return a[Rnd(Len a)] End Function For i=1 To 5 Print RandomName$() Next
editDescription: Return from a Function
Rem Return exits a BlitzMax function or method with an optional value. The type of return value is dictated by the type of the function. End Rem Function CrossProduct#(x0#,y0#,z0#,x1#,y1#,z1#) Return x0*x1+y0*y1+z0*z1 End Function Print "(0,1,2)x(2,3,4)="+CrossProduct(0,1,2,2,3,4) Function LongRand:Long() Return (Rand($80000000,$7fffffff) Shl 32)|(Rand($80000000,$7fffffff)) End Function Print "LongRand()="+LongRand() Print "LongRand()="+LongRand()
editDescription: Begin a user defined Type declaration
Rem Type marks the beginning of a BlitzMax custom type. Standard BlitzMax types use a preceeding "T" naming convention to differentiate themselves from standard BlitzMax variable names. End Rem Type TVector Field x,y,z End Type Local a:TVector=New TVector a.x=10 a.y=20 a.z=30
editDescription: End a user defined Type declaration
Rem EndType marks the end of a BlitzMax custom type. End Rem Type TVector Field x,y,z End Type Local a:TVector=New TVector a.x=10 a.y=20 a.z=30
editDescription: Specify user defined Type supertype
Comment: The Type inherits a given base Type.
Rem Extends is used in a BlitzMax Type declaration to derive the Type from a specified base class. End Rem Type TShape Field xpos,ypos Method Draw() Abstract End Type Type TCircle Extends TShape Field radius Function Create:TCircle(x,y,r) Local c:TCircle=New TCircle c.xpos=x;c.ypos=y;c.radius=r Return c End Function Method Draw() DrawOval xpos,ypos,radius,radius End Method End Type Type TRect Extends TShape Field width,height Function Create:TRect(x,y,w,h) Local r:TRect=New TRect r.xpos=x;r.ypos=y;r.width=w;r.height=h Return r End Function Method Draw() DrawRect xpos,ypos,width,height End Method End Type Local shapelist:TShape[4] Local shape:TShape shapelist[0]=TCircle.Create(200,50,50) shapelist[1]=TRect.Create(300,50,40,40) shapelist[2]=TCircle.Create(400,50,50) shapelist[3]=TRect.Create(200,180,250,20) Graphics 640,480 While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Cls For shape=EachIn shapelist shape.draw Next Flip Wend End
editDescription: Begin a Method declaration
Comment: Methods are instance-specific functions.
Rem Method marks the beginning of a BlitzMax custom type member function. End Rem Type TPoint Field x,y Method ToString$() Return x+","+y End Method End Type a:TPoint=New TPoint Print a.ToString()
editDescription: End a Method declaration
Rem EndMethod marks the end of a BlitzMax Method declaration. End Rem Type TPoint Field x,y Method ToString$() Return x+","+y End Method End Type a:TPoint=New TPoint Print a.ToString()
editDescription: Denote a Type or Method as Abstract
Comment: The Type or Method must be extended (compilation will fail if it was not extended).
Rem A BlitzMax type that contains Abstract methods becomes abstract itself. Abstract types are used to define interfaces that extending types must implement before they can be used to create new instances. In the following code TShape is an abstract type in that you can not create a TShape but anything extending a TShape must implement a Draw() method. End Rem Type TShape Field xpos,ypos Method Draw() Abstract End Type Type TCircle Extends TShape Field radius Function Create:TCircle(x,y,r) Local c:TCircle=New TCircle c.xpos=x;c.ypos=y;c.radius=r Return c End Function Method Draw() DrawOval xpos,ypos,radius,radius End Method End Type Type TRect Extends TShape Field width,height Function Create:TRect(x,y,w,h) Local r:TRect=New TRect r.xpos=x;r.ypos=y;r.width=w;r.height=h Return r End Function Method Draw() DrawRect xpos,ypos,width,height End Method End Type Local shapelist:TShape[4] Local shape:TShape shapelist[0]=TCircle.Create(200,50,50) shapelist[1]=TRect.Create(300,50,40,40) shapelist[2]=TCircle.Create(400,50,50) shapelist[3]=TRect.Create(200,180,250,20) Graphics 640,480 While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Cls For shape=EachIn shapelist shape.draw Next Flip Wend End
editDescription: Denote a Type or Method as Final
Comment: The Type or Method is not extendable.
Rem Final stops methods from being redefined in super classes. End Rem Type T1 Method ToString$() Final Return "T1" End Method End Type Type T2 Extends T1 Method ToString$() 'compile time error "Final methods cannot be overridden" Return "T2" End Method End Type
editDescription: Create an instance of a user defined Type
Rem New creates a BlitzMax variable of the Type specified. End Rem Type MyType Field a,b,c End Type Local t:MyType t=New MyType t.a=20 Print t.a ' if a new method is defined for the type it will also be called Type MyClass Field a,b,c Method New() Print "Constructor invoked!" a=10 End Method End Type Local c:MyClass c=New MyClass Print c.a
editDescription: Reference to this Method's Object instance
Comment: Allows an object access to its own instance (not needed in most cases).
Rem Self is used in BlitzMax Methods to reference the invoking variable. End Rem Type MyClass Global count Field id Method New() id=count count:+1 ClassList.AddLast(Self) 'adds this new instance to a global list End Method End Type Global ClassList:TList classlist=New TList Local c:MyClass c=New MyClass c=New MyClass c=New MyClass For c=EachIn ClassList Print Next
editDescription: Reference to the Super Type Object instance
Comment: Allows an object access to its parent type (the type that it extends).
Rem Super evaluates to Self cast to the method's immediate base class. End Rem Type TypeA Method Report() Print "TypeA reporting" End Method End Type Type TypeB Extends TypeA Method Report() Print "TypeB Reporting" Super.Report() End Method End Type b:TypeB=New TypeB b.Report()
editDescription: Reserved for future expansion
Rem Reserved for future expansions. End Rem
editDescription: Release an integer Object handle
Rem Release removes the internal reference caused by creating an integer handle to a type. End Rem Type MyType Field bigmap[1024*1024] End Type GCCollect Print GCMemAlloced() a=New MyType GCCollect Print GCMemAlloced() Release a GCCollect Print GCMemAlloced()
editDescription: Public makes a Constant, Global variable or Function accessible from outside the current source file (Default)
Rem Public makes a variable, function or method accessible from outside the current source file (default). End Rem Public Global Score,Lives,Health Private Global posx,posy,posz
editDescription: Private makes a Constant, Global variable or Function only accessible from within the current source file
Rem Private makes a variable, function or method only accessible from within the current source file. End Rem Public Global Score,Lives,Health Private Global posx,posy,posz
editDescription: Extern marks the beginning of an external list of Function declarations
Rem Extern marks the beginning of an external list of function declarations. End Rem Extern Function puts( str$z ) Function my_puts( str$z )="puts" End Extern puts "Using clib's put string!" my_puts "Also using clib's put string!"
editDescription: EndExtern marks the End of an Extern section
Rem EndExtern marks the end of an Extern section. End Rem Extern Function puts( str$z ) End Extern puts "Using clib's put string!"
editDescription: Declare Module scope and identifier
Information: See Modules for more information.
Rem The Module keyword advises the BlitzMax program maker BMK to create a code module from the source file. End Rem Module PUB.Sequencer ModuleInfo "Framework: Audio Sequencer for use with FreeAudio" ModuleInfo "Copyright: Blitz Research Ltd" ModuleInfo "Author: Simon Armstrong" ModuleInfo "Version: 1.00"
editDescription: Define Module properties
Rem ModuleInfo allows properties such as Author and Copyright to be included in a module file. End Rem Module PUB.Sequencer ModuleInfo "Framework: Audio Sequencer for use with FreeAudio" ModuleInfo "Copyright: Blitz Research Ltd" ModuleInfo "Author: Simon Armstrong" ModuleInfo "Version: 1.00"
editDescription: Embed a data file
Rem IncBin embeds an external data file in a BlitzMax program that can then be read using the "incbin::" device name. End Rem ' code snippet from demos/firepaint/firepaint.bmx Incbin "stars.png" Local stars=LoadImage( "incbin::stars.png" )
editDescription: Get start address of embedded data file
Rem IncBinPtr returns a byte pointer to the specified embedded binary file. End Rem Incbin "incbinptr.bmx" Local p:Byte Ptr=IncbinPtr("incbinptr.bmx") Local bytes=IncbinLen("incbinptr.bmx") Local s$=String.FromBytes(p,bytes) Print "StringFromBytes(p,bytes)="+s$
editDescription: Get length of embedded data file
Rem IncBinLen returns the size in bytes of the specified embedded binary file. End Rem Incbin "incbinlen.bmx" Local p:Byte Ptr=IncbinPtr("incbinlen.bmx") Local bytes=IncbinLen("incbinlen.bmx") Local s$=StringFromBytes(p,bytes) Print "StringFromBytes(p,bytes)="+s$
editDescription: Include effectively 'inserts' the specified file into the file being compiled.
editDescription: Framework builds the BlitzMax application with only the Module specified rather than all modules installed.
Comment: If you specify some module with Framework, only that module and ones it imports are compiled with your code. You can then import additional modules using Import. Common framework modules are Brl.Basic and Brl.Max2D, for console and 2d applications respectively.
editDescription: Import declarations from a Module or source file
Rem :Import specifies the external BlitzMax modules and source files used by the program. End Rem Framework BRL.GlMax2D Import BRL.System Graphics 640,480,32 While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Cls DrawText "Minimal 2D App!",0,0 Flip Wend
editDescription: Throw a RuntimeError if a condition is False
Comment: Assert throws a runtime error in Debug mode.
Rem Assert generates a BlitzMax runtime error if the specified condition is false. End Rem a=LoadImage("nonexistant image file") Assert a,"Image Failed to Load"
editDescription: Transfer program flow to specified label
Comment: Goto does not work in SuperStrict or Strict mode. Also, labels are limited to DefData.
Rem Causes program execution to jump to the #label specified. End Rem Print "one" Goto here Print "two" #here Print "three"
editDescription: Begin declaration of a Try block
Comment: A Try block attempts to catch an exception that might have been thrown between Try and Catch and attempts to handle the exception (instead of ending the program).
Rem Begin declaration of a Try block. End Rem Try Repeat a:+1 Print a If a>20 Throw "chunks" Forever Catch a$ Print "caught exception "+a$ EndTry
editDescription: End declaration of a Try block
Rem EndTry EndTry marks the end of a Try block. End Rem
editDescription: Catch an exception Object in a Try block
Rem Catch defines an exception handler following a Try..EndTry Block. End Rem Try Repeat a:+1 Print a If a>20 Throw "chunks" Forever Catch a$ Print "caught exception "+a$ EndTry
editDescription: Throw an exception Object to the enclosing Try block
Rem Throw generates a BlitzMax exception. End Rem Try Repeat a:+1 Print a If a>20 Throw "chunks" Forever Catch a$ Print "caught exception "+a$ EndTry
editDescription: Define class BASIC style data
' defdata.bmx ReadData name$ ReadData age,skill Print "name="+name+" age="+age+" skill="+skill DefData "Simon",37,5000
editDescription: Read classic BASIC style data
editDescription: Restore classic BASIC style data
' restoredata.bmx For i=1 To 5 RestoreData mydata 'reset the data pointer everly loop so we don't read past the end ReadData name$,age,skill Print "name="+name+" age="+age+" skill="+skill Next #mydata 'program label that can be used with the RestoreData command DefData "Simon",37,5000
editDescription: Conditional 'And' binary operator
Rem And is a boolean operator that performs the AND function. End Rem For i=1 To 10 If i>3 And i<6 Print "!" Else Print i Next
editDescription: Conditional 'Or' binary operator
Rem Or is a boolean operator that performs the OR function. End Rem For i=1 To 5 If i=2 Or i=4 Print "!" Else Print i Next
editDescription: Conditional 'Not' binary operator
Rem Not is a boolean unary operator that performs the NOT function. End Rem Print Not 0 'prints 1 (TRUE) Print Not 20 'prints 0 (FALSE)
editDescription: Bitwise 'Shift left' binary operator
Rem Shl is a binary operator that performs the shift to left function. End Rem b=1 For i=1 To 32 Print Bin(b) b=b Shl 1 Next
editDescription: Bitwise 'Shift right' binary operator
Rem Shr is a binary operator that performs the shift to right function. End Rem b=-1 For i=1 To 32 Print Bin(b) b=b Shr 1 Next
editDescription: Bitwise 'Shift arithmetic right' binary operator
Rem Sar is a binary operator that performs the arithmetic shift to right function. End Rem b=$f0f0f0f0 For i=1 To 32 Print Bin(b) b=b Sar 1 Next
editDescription: Number of characters in a string or elements in an array
Comment: You can also use the length field of an array or string as they are objects.
Rem Len is a BlitzMax operator that returns the number of elements in a container Type. End Rem a$="BlitzMax Rocks" Print Len a$ 'prints 14 Local b[] Print Len b 'prints 0 b=New Int[20] Print Len b 'prints 20
editDescription: Numeric 'absolute value' unary operator
Rem Abs is a mathematical operator that performs the Absolute function. End Rem For f#=-1 To 1 Step 0.125 Print "Abs "+f+"="+Abs f Next
editDescription: Numeric 'modulus' or 'remainder' binary operator
Rem Mod is a mathematical operator that performs the Modulo function. End Rem For i=6 to -6 Step -1 Print i+" Mod 3="+(i Mod 3) Next
editDescription: Numeric 'sign' unary operator
Rem Sgn is a mathematical operator that returns the sign of a value. End Rem Print Sgn 50 '1 Print Sgn 0 '0 Print Sgn -50 '-1
editDescription: Numeric 'minimum' builtin function
Returns: The lesser of the two numeric arguments
editDescription: Numeric 'maximum' builtin function
Returns: The larger of the two numeric arguments
editDescription: Find the address of a variable
Rem Varptr returns the address of a variable in system memory. End Rem Local a:Int Local p:Int Ptr a=20 p=Varptr a Print p[0]
editDescription: Size, in bytes, occupied by a variable, string, array or object
Rem SizeOf returns the number of bytes of system memory used to store the variable. End Rem Type MyType Field a,b,c End Type Local t:MyType Print SizeOf t 'prints 12 Local f! Print SizeOf f 'prints 8 Local i Print SizeOf i 'prints 4 Local b:Byte Print SizeOf b 'prints 1 a$="Hello World" Print SizeOf a 'prints 22 (unicode characters take 2 bytes each)
editDescription: Get character value of the first character of a string
Rem Asc returns the unicode value of the first character of a string. End Rem Print Asc("A") '65 Print "A"[0] '65 - equivalent index style implementation
editDescription: Create a string of length 1 with a character code
Rem Chr returns a String of length 1 containing the unicode character of the value. End Rem Print Chr(65) 'A