Egypt and Egyptians III — the ninth personal exhibition of the traveler and photographer Viktor Pinchuk, held in the exposition hall of Russian Cultural Center in Simferopol from September 27 to October 27, 2012.

"Returning from the field" (exhibition work)

General information


A series of photographs created as a result of the first and third creative trips to Africa served as an occasion for holding another personal photo exhibition about Egypt, the opening of which, by decision of RCC management, was timed to coincide with the "Tourism Day".

Collecting material, author visited pyramids area in El Faiyum, relatively little known among tourists: of Amenemhet III (in Hawara) and Senusret II (in El Lahun). In addition, on the way to Sudan (to which a separate exhibition was dedicated), author visited Luxor and Aswan, where the surviving architectural objects created by representatives of ancient civilization were filmed: Karnak and Luxor temple.[1] Along the way, a number of genre shots were taken.

Despite the fact that more than 80% of photographs from previous photo exhibitions held under the same name at the Central Artist's House (2005) and the Simferopol Art Museum (2006) were replaced by new ones, the press and television have ignored the event, apparently deciding that the new exposition is identical to the two previous ones.




  1. Pinchuk, Viktor. Third African trip (in Russian). Crimea, Simferopol: Fenix. p. 56. ISBN 978-617-671-039-4.