A-level Applied Science/Course Structure and Assessment

Unit Choice


The course is made of 16 units. Students take a maximum of 12. There is no choice in the AS units which must be taken, but there is flexibility in which A2 units can be chosen.

An AS qualification requires 3 AS units.

A double AS requires 6 AS units.

An A-level requires 3 AS and 3 A2 units.

A double A-level requires 6 AS and 6 A2 units.

AS Units


Units 1-3 count as one AS qualification. Units 1-6 count as two AS qualifications.

A2 Units


Method of Assessment


Units 2, 5, 8, 11 and 14 are assessed by an exam. These are marked by AQA.

The other units are assessed by written coursework, which is initially assessed by the school/college and then checked by AQA.

1/3 of the units must be examined units.

Every unit is marked out of 100 (the 'UMS') and the final grade is awarded on this basis:

UMS for each unit. UMS for the AS Qualification. UMS for the A-level Qualification.
A 80 - 100 240 - 300 480 - 600
B 70 – 79 210 - 239 420 - 479
C 60 – 69 180 - 209 360 - 419
D 50 – 59 150 - 179 300 - 359
E 40 – 49 120 - 149 240 - 299
U 0 – 39 0 - 119 0 - 239
UMS for the AS Double Award Qualification. UMS for the A-level Double Award Qualification.
AA 480 - 600 960 - 1200
AB 450 - 479 900 - 959
BB 420 - 449 840 - 899
BC 390 - 419 780 - 839
CC 360 - 389 720 - 779
CD 330 - 359 660 - 719
DD 300 - 329 600 - 659
DE 270 - 299 540 - 599
EE 240 - 269 480 - 539
U 0 - 239 0 - 479

Making the Grade


For portfolio units, the work must be your own. Copying large chunks of text from a book or the internet is not allowed - even if you credit where you obtained the text.

Check the requirements of each unit and make sure your work meets those requirements. Work which is not on the syllabus will not improve your grade, so don't waste your time with it.

Tip: Use the specification to write headings for your assignments, and research material for each heading. This way you should cover all the topics required: It will be obvious which parts of your assignment need further work. Putting your research into headed sections will prevent you copying or paraphrasing a large chunk from one source, and then a large chunk from another source without comparing the two sources on what they say point-by-point.

Note every reference you use.[1]


  1. Even note sources you read, but didn't find helpful - it is evidence that you have researched thoroughly.

Definitive details from the AQA website.