Wikijunior:Famous Inventors

Welcome to the world of Famous Inventors. What is the story behind some of the greatest inventions? This book will tell you about advances in technology, a biography of who invented them, how they were discovered, and how they have helped you and me.

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Table of Contents

Thomas Edison
  1. Title Page
  2. Early Inventors
    1. Archimedes 
    2. Galileo 
    3. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 
  3. Inventors in Communication
    1. Telephone
      1. Alexander Graham Bell 
      2. Samuel Morse 
    2. Radio
      1. Nikola Tesla 
      2. Guglielmo Marconi 
  4. Inventors in Transportation
    1. Thomas Telford 
    2. George Stephenson 
    3. James Starley 
    4. Werner von Siemens 
    5. Frank J. Sprague 
    6. Henry Ford 
    7. Wilber and Orville Wright 
    8. Robert H. Goddard 
    9. Clive Sinclair 
  5. Inventors in Agriculture
    1. George Washington Carver 
    2. Cyrus McCormick 
    3. Eli Whitney 
  6. Inventors in Everyday Uses
    1. Thomas Edison 
    2. Benjamin Franklin 
    3. Lewis Howard Latimer 
    4. George Westinghouse 
  7. Inventors in Medicine
    1. Marie Curie 

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