nl-N De moedertaal van deze gebruiker is het Nederlands.
en-3 This user can read and write fluently in English.
This user is from the Netherlands.
This user contributes using Opera.
98 SEThis user uses Windows 98SE.
XPThis user uses Windows XP.
FC8This user uses Fedora Core 8.

About me


Hello, I'm Tchakkazulu. I'm 21 years old and come from the Netherlands, where I study Computer Science, after having obtained a Bachelor degree in Mathematics. I'm mostly writing for the Haskell wikibook, but I'll write up other stuff when I feel like it. I'd like to learn Perl, Lisp and C++ someday, but right now it's not going to happen.

My work


All my work in the Haskell wikibook can be used under the Simple Permissive License as used by the HaskellWiki. Beware that articles I wrote might have been modified, as isn't unusual in wiki projects. It is possible that the modification of my work isn't under the Simple Permissive License. Check the history page and/or contact the other authors to see if you can use it under this license.

Contact Information

My talk page