pl-N Polski jest językiem ojczystym tego użytkownika.
en-2 This user can read and write intermediate English.
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Hello I'm Prasuk, I live in Bydgoszcz Poland.

About me


My main hobbies are English, computer science, history, medicine, Harry Potter series, watching TV. My the biggest hobbies are English and computer science. I like playing computer games. From Harry Potter series my favourite book is Harry Potter and the Dealthly Hallows. My favourites characters from Harry Potter series are Hermione and Luna. In computer science my favourites domains are operating systems. In history my favourite domain is Polish history, because I'm from Poland. In medicine my favourite domain is Pulmonology. And I like watching "Braceface", my favourites characters from Braceface cartoon are Sharon and Alden. Next to I like watching "Na dobre i Na złe". Born many years ago. In September I'll have been learning English for eight years.

What would I like to do here? Here I add interwiki to other wikibooks, sometimes vote in RFA. And I am going to create articles in english.