
This book is a guide to JavaScript, a scripting language widely used in web pages and web applications such as email applications. JavaScript is not to be confused with Java, which is quite a separate language for creating stand-alone applications.


  1. Basics
    1. Introduction
      1. Not Java
    2. Placing the Code
      1. Other Places
      2. Other Script Types
    3. Variables and Types
    4. Operators
    5. Control Structures
    6. Functions and Objects
    7. Event Handling
    8. Regular Expressions
    9. Rabbit Trails
  2. Advanced Topics
    1. Object Oriented Programming
      1. Constructors and Prototypes
      2. Inheritance
      3. Access Control
    2. Functional Programming in JavaScript
      1. Function Objects
      2. Anonymous Functions
      3. Closures
      4. Higher Order Functions
    3. Modular JavaScript
      1. Modules
      2. Namespaces
    4. Optimization
    5. Metaprogramming
    6. Bookmarklets
  3. Debugging
    1. JavaScript Debuggers
    2. Common Mistakes
    3. Debugging Methods
    4. Browser Bugs
  4. Dynamic Web Client Programming (DHTML)
    1. Runtime Document Manipulation
      1. Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)
      2. Finding Elements
      3. Adding Elements
      4. Changing Elements
      5. Changing Element Styles
      6. Removing Elements
    2. Event Handlers
      1. Simple Event Handlers
      2. W3C Event Handlers
      3. Extended Event Handlers
    3. Running Scripts at Page Load
    4. Soul Building Javascript
    5. XML and Javascript
      1. DOM Manipulation
      2. XSL Sprinkles
    6. DHTML Examples
  5. Advanced Web Client Programming
    1. Working with Images
    2. Working with Forms
    3. Working With Cookies
    4. Client-Server Programming (AJAX)
      1. XMLHttpRequest
      2. Handling HTML
      3. Handling JSON
      4. Handling XML
    5. Design Mode
  6. JavaScript Outside HTML
    1. ActionScript in Flash
    2. Adobe PDF Forms
    3. JSOSA for the Macintosh
    4. JScript in Microsoft WSH
  7. Standards and Best Practices
    1. Naming Conventions
    2. Code Structuring
    3. Accessibility
  8. Appendices
    1. Index
    2. Links
    3. Useful Software Tools
    4. History of JavaScript
    5. Contributors

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