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{{user language|en|N}}.
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{{user language|fr|2}}.

This is my page/personal table of contents. I'm using the Dewey Decimal Classifiaction because that's what I'm most familiar with.

Current Rant


I am interested in (biographically speaking) people like Joan of Arc and Elizabeth I of England. I have yet to find a biography on either. Both have been the subject of a good deal of ink; each, for her own reasons, could reasonably (in my opinion) justify having a textbook devoted to them — even if said textbook isn't the obese paper freeweights one has to read in your average 100-level college course.

I have found a little — a scant few paragraphs — on Tudor England at [[1]]. This for an era populated by any number of residents who have inspired a great many books. On its own merit, the period has fair number of non-biographical works devoted to it: a noteworthy one is John Guy's Tudor England (ISBN 0192852132, Dewey Decimal # 942.05 G).

I have yet to do a thurough search on information pertaining to Joan of Arc, but I would be very surprised if she wasn't mentioned somewhere. She provided an inspiration for the French army (and people) at a critical point of the Hundred Year's War.

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  • 000 Generalities
  • 100 Philosophy & Psychology
  • 200 Religion
  • 300 Social Sciences & Education
  • 400 Language
  • 500 Natural Sciences & Mathematics
  • 600 Technology (Applied Sciences)
  • 700 Art & Recreation
    • 720: Architecture
      • 723: Architecture from ca. 300 to 1399
      • 724: Architecture from 1400
  • 800 Literature
  • 900 History & Geography
    • 910: Geography & Travel
    • 940: European History: European History
      • 941: British Isles
      • 942: England & Wales
      • 944: France & Monaco
    • 970: General history of North America
      • 973: United States