Ukrainian Dancing/Central Ukraine/Steps for Men and Boys

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Prysyadka Zvychayna or Prysyadka with leg bent in front

Ukrainian Name Prysyadka Zvychayna
Cyrillic Присядка звичайна
English Name Prysyadka with leg bent in front
Direction of the Step Stationary
Music One step per beat. Count is 1-2. May be performed half-time as well.
Opening Position First position. Step is performed on the balls of both feet.


  1. On one, hop on the balls of both feet, and then bend the knees and descend into a grand plié. Thighs should not touch calves. Knees should be extended as far to sides as possible.
  2. On two hop lightly on the ball of the left foot, remaining in the plié, and raise the right leg forward. The right leg should be bent and turned so that the heel of the right foot is in front of the left knee. The toes of the right foot should be pointed downward.

Repeat on the next beat, exchanging working and supporting legs.

Prysyadka Roznizhka or Prysyadka-Heels

Ukrainian Name Prysyadka Roznizhka; Prysyadka Na Kabluky
Cyrillic Присядка-розніжка; Присядка на каблуку
English Name Prysyadka-Heels; Heels
Direction of the Step Stationary
Music One step per beat. Count is 1-2. May be performed half-time as well.
Opening Position First position.


  1. On one, hop on the balls of both feet, and then bend the knees and descend into a grand plié. Thighs should not touch calves. Knees should be extended as far to sides as possible.
  2. On two, quickly rise out of the plié, hop, and land in 2nd position with feet flat on the ground.

Take care not to jump or land on the heels, as this can cause injury.

Figure Fours

Ukrainian Name
English Name Figure Fours; Hand plants.
Direction of the Step Stationary
Music One step over two beats.
Opening Position First position. Step is performed on the balls of both feet.


  1. On the first beat, hop on the balls of both feet, and then bend the knees and descend into a grand plié. Lean onto one hand.
  2. On the second beat, kick the leg that is on the same side as the supporting hand into the air, holding it straight above the head. At the same time, bend the other leg so that the foot approaches the knee of the first leg. The dancer is inverted on the supporting hand.

This step is usually performed as a solo in a Kozak dance or a Hopak.