This is the list of templates available for the Ada Programming wikibook. See also Category:Book:Ada Programming/Templates.

Language elements


Ada code

Ada language elements
Template Short Notes
{{Ada/keyword}} {{Ada/kw}} Usage:
  • {{Ada/kw|elsif}} gives elsif
{{Ada/operator}} {{Ada/op}}

Normal usage:

  • {{Ada/op|&}} gives &
  • {{Ada/operator|rem}} gives rem (only within paragraphs, use {{Ada/kw}} for code snippets)

When the delimiter contains an equal sign ('=') the explicit named parameter ('1=') is required:

  • {{Ada/op|1==}} gives =
  • {{Ada/op|1=>=}} gives >=
{{Ada/delimiter}} {{Ada/dl}}

Normal usage:

  • {{Ada/dl|'}} gives '

When the delimiter contains an equal sign ('=') the explicit named parameter ('1=') is required:

  • {{Ada/dl|1=:=}} gives :=
  • {{Ada/dl|1==>}} gives =>

For technical limitations the pipe '|' is not allowed as a template parameter, so the ASCII number must be used instead:

  • {{Ada/delimiter||}} gives |
{{Ada/attribute}} {{Ada/at}}


  • {{Ada/attribute|Range}} gives Range

the tick (') is not included by default, but you can add it optionally:

  • {{Ada/at|'|Range}} gives 'Range
{{Ada/package}} {{Ada/pk}} for child packages the template accepts multiple parameters:
{{Ada/aspect}} {{Ada/as}}


or Template:Ada/aspect name which does not insert the => delimiter:



or Template:Ada/pragma name which does not insert the pragma keyword:

  • {{Ada/pragma name|Pure}} gives Pure


or Template:Ada/restriction name which does not insert "pragma Restrictions":

{{Ada/comment}} {{Ada/--}} Usage:
  • {{Ada/--|Line comment}} gives -- Line comment
{{Ada/string}} {{Ada/"}} Usage:
  • {{Ada/"|String literal}} gives "String literal"
{{Ada/character}} {{Ada/ch}} Usage:
  • {{Ada/ch|A}} gives 'A'
{{Ada/integer}} {{Ada/in}}

Normal usage:

  • {{Ada/in|1_024_000}} gives 1_024_000

The base can also be specified (and optionally the exponent):

  • {{Ada/in|16|FFFF_0000}} gives 16#FFFF_0000#
  • {{Ada/in|16|FFFF|4}} gives 16#FFFF#4
{{Ada/real}} {{Ada/re}}

Normal usage:

  • {{Ada/re|3.14159_26535}} gives 3.14159_26535

The base can also be specified (and optionally the exponent):

  • {{Ada/re|16|AB.01}} gives 16#AB.01#
  • {{Ada/re|16|1.F|-2}} gives 16#1.F#-2

Full example:

 {{Ada/kw|with}} {{Ada/package|Ada|Text_IO}};
 {{Ada/kw|with}} {{Ada/package|Ada|Characters|Latin_1}};
 {{Ada/kw|procedure}} Print_Constants {{Ada/kw|is}}
    {{Ada/kw|package}} T_IO    {{Ada/kw|renames}} {{Ada/package|Ada|Text_IO}};
    {{Ada/kw|package}} Latin_1 {{Ada/kw|renames}} {{Ada/package|Ada|Characters|Latin_1}};
    T_IO.Put_Line (Item {{Ada/dl|1==>}} {{Ada/"|Hello!}});        {{Ada/--|String literal}}
    T_IO.Put_Line (Latin_1.Not_Sign {{Ada/op|&}} {{Ada/ch|P}});  {{Ada/--|Character literal (¬P)}}
    T_IO.Put_Line (Integer{{Ada/at|'|Image}} ({{Ada/in|42}}));      {{Ada/--|Integer literal}}
    T_IO.Put_Line (Float{{Ada/at|'|Image}} ({{Ada/re|3.1416}}));    {{Ada/--|Real literal}}
 {{Ada/kw|end}} Print_Constants;


pragma Restrictions (No_Obsolescent_Features);

with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;

procedure Print_Constants is

   package T_IO    renames Ada.Text_IO;
   package Latin_1 renames Ada.Characters.Latin_1;


   T_IO.Put_Line (Item => "Hello!");        -- String literal
   T_IO.Put_Line (Latin_1.Not_Sign & 'P');  -- Character literal (¬P)
   T_IO.Put_Line (Integer'Image (42));      -- Integer literal
   T_IO.Put_Line (Float'Image (3.1416));    -- Real literal

end Print_Constants;

C code

C language elements
Template Short Notes
{{Ada/C/keyword}} {{Ada/C/kw}} Usage:
  • {{Ada/C/kw|void}} gives void
{{Ada/C/comment}} {{Ada/C/*}} Usage:
  • {{Ada/C/*|This is a block comment}} gives /* This is a block comment */
{{Ada/C/preprocessor}} {{Ada/C/pre}} Usage:
  • {{Ada/C/pre|#include <stdio.h>}} gives #include <stdio.h>



Ada Reference Manual


Except when required, the preferred option is to put a link to the last official version.

Ada Quality and Style Guide


Ada Rationale


Note: there are not templates redirections to the last version of the rationale because every version of the language has its own rationale, completely different from the others.

Ada Issues


Source code repositories

Name Notes

External link to source code in wikibook-ada project

{{Sourceforge links}}

External links to homepage, source code and download page for a Sourceforge library project.

Single parameter is project name. (Possibly useful for other books)

{{GitHub links}}

External links to homepage, source code and download page for a GitHub library project.

First parameter is user or organization name, second is the repository name. (Possibly useful for other books)

Name Notes
{{Ada/Standard libraries}} Search for examples and posts about a standard unit. Search term is got from page name.
{{Ada/GNAT}} Link to the implementation of a standard library unit in GNAT.

Single parameter is filename.

{{Ada/drake}} Link to the implementation of a standard library unit in drake.

Single parameter is filename.



Ada specific

Ada-specific citation templates
Name Notes
{{Ada/83/Cite RM}}
{{Ada/95/Cite RM}}
{{Ada/2005/Cite RM}}
{{Ada/2012/Cite RM}}

All parameters are optional, except title and the first one (section number):

{{Ada/2005/Cite RM|(section)|(subsection)|(sub-subsection)
 |      title = (required)
 |        par = 
 |         id = 
 |      quote = 

For example:

*{{Ada/2005/Cite RM|13|5|3
 |      title = Bit Ordering
 |        par = 2
 |         id = I4589
 |      quote = A bit ordering is a method of interpreting the meaning of the storage place attributes.


  • ISO/IEC 8652:2007. "13.5.3 Bit Ordering (2)". Ada 2005 Reference Manual. A bit ordering is a method of interpreting the meaning of the storage place attributes. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |chapterurl= ignored (|chapter-url= suggested) (help)
{{Ada/83/Cite AARM}}
{{Ada/95/Cite AARM}}
{{Ada/2005/Cite AARM}}
{{Ada/2012/Cite AARM}}

All parameters are optional, except title and the first one (section number):

{{Ada/2005/Cite AARM|(section)|(subsection)|(sub-subsection)
 |      title = (required)
 |        par = 
 |         id = 
 |      quote = 

For example:

*{{Ada/2005/Cite AARM|13|5|3
 |      title = Bit Ordering
 |        par = 2
 |         id = I5077
 |      quote = A bit ordering is a method of interpreting the meaning of the storage place attributes.


  • Ada Rapporteur Group. "13.5.3 Bit Ordering (2)". Annotated Ada 2005 Reference Manual. A bit ordering is a method of interpreting the meaning of the storage place attributes. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |chapterurl= ignored (|chapter-url= suggested) (help)

Note that it links to the same paragraph as above, but the 'id' parameter has a different value in the AARM than in the LRM.

{{Ada/95/Cite AI}}
{{Ada/2005/Cite AI}}

All parameters are optional, except title and id:

{{Ada/95/Cite AI
 |      title = (required)
 |         id = (required)
 |        alt = 
 |      class = 
 |       date = 
 |        rev = 
 |      quote = 
 | accessdate = 2025-02-17

For example, the following instantiation:

*{{Ada/95/Cite AI
 |      title = Limited With Clauses
 |         id = 217
 |        alt = 6
 |      class = Amendment
 |       date = 2005-10-11
 |        rev = 1.21
 |      quote = 
 | accessdate = 2009-01-01


  • AI95-00217-06 (2005-10-11). "Limited With Clauses". Class: Amendment. Ada Rapporteur Group. Retrieved 2009-01-01.
{{Ada/Cite ACM}}

Citation to the ACM SIGAda Ada Letters.

All parameters are optional, except title:

{{Ada/Cite ACM
 |     author = 
 |      title = (required)
 |       year = 
 |      month = 
 |     volume = 
 |      issue = 
 |      pages = 
 |        doi = 
 |        url = 
 |      quote = 
 | accessdate = 2025-02-17

The following instantiation:

*{{Ada/Cite ACM
 |     author = Alan Burns, Brian Dobbing, Tullio Vardanega
 |      title = Guide for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems
 |       year = 2004
 |      month = June
 |     volume = XXIV
 |      issue = 2
 |      pages = 1&ndash;74
 |        doi = 10.1145/997119.997120
 |        url =


{{Ada/Cite AUJ}}

Citation to the Ada User Journal, published by Ada-Europe. Tagline: "The journal for the international Ada community"

All parameters are optional, except title:

{{Ada/Cite AUJ
 |     author = 
 |      title = (required)
 |       year = 
 |      month = 
 |     volume = 
 |     number = 
 |      pages = 
 |        url = 
 |      quote = 
 | accessdate = 2025-02-17

The following instantiation:

*{{Ada/Cite AUJ
 |     author = Alan Marriott, Urs Maurer
 |      title = Ada Bug Finder
 |       year = 2005
 |      month = September
 |     volume = 26
 |     number = 3
 |      pages = 214&ndash;219
 |        url =


{{Ada/Cite cla}}

Citation to 'comp.lang.ada' newsgroup:

{{Ada/Cite cla 
 |     author = 
 |      title = (required)
 |       date = 
 |        url = 
 |      quote = 
 | accessdate = 2025-02-17

The following instantiation:

*{{Ada/Cite cla 
 |     author = Robert Dewar
 |      title = pragma Shared (was Ada is almost ....)
 |       date = 1996-02-17
 |        url =
 |      quote = pragma Atomic is QUITE different from pragma Volatile.
 | accessdate = 2008-05-28


  • Robert Dewar (1996-02-17). "pragma Shared (was Ada is almost ....)". comp.lang.ada. (Web link). Retrieved on 2008-05-28. "pragma Atomic is QUITE different from pragma Volatile."
{{Ada/83/Cite R}}
{{Ada/95/Cite R}}
{{Ada/2005/Cite R}}
{{Ada/2012/Cite R}}
{{Ada/83/Cite SG}}
{{Ada/95/Cite SG}}
{{Ada/Ref RM}}
{{Ada/83/Ref RM}}
{{Ada/95/Ref RM}}
{{Ada/2005/Ref RM}}
{{Ada/2012/Ref RM}}

All parameters are optional, except the first one (section number):

{{Ada/Ref RM|(section)|(subsection)|(sub-subsection)|par=|id=}}

For example:

{{Ada/Ref AARM}}
{{Ada/83/Ref AARM}}
{{Ada/95/Ref AARM}}
{{Ada/2005/Ref AARM}}
{{Ada/2012/Ref AARM}}

All parameters are optional, except the first one (section number):

{{Ada/Ref AARM|(section)|(subsection)|(sub-subsection)|par=|id=}}

For example:


General citation templates
Name Notes
{{cite book}}

All parameters are optional, except title:

{{cite book
 |     author = 
 |     editor = 
 |     others = 
 |      title = (required)
 |        url = 
 |    chapter = 
 | chapterurl = 
 |      pages = 
 |   origdate = 
 |   origyear = 
 |  origmonth = 
 |     format = 
 |    edition = 
 |       date = 
 |       year = 
 |      month = 
 |  publisher = 
 |   location = 
 |   language = 
 |         id = 
 |        doi = 
 |      quote = 
 | accessdate = 2025-02-17

For example, the instantiation:

*{{cite book
 |     author = [[w:John Barnes (computer scientist)|]]
 |      title = High-Integrity Software: The SPARK Approach to Safety and Security
 |       date = 2003-03-25
 |  publisher = Addison-Wesley
 |       isbn = 0-321-13616-0
 |        url =
 | accessdate = 2008-06-06
 |      quote = Representation clauses are now strictly known as aspect clauses
 |      pages = 212


{{cite journal}}

(NOTE: Use templates {{Ada/Cite ACM}} or {{Ada/Cite AUJ}} above for citations to 'ACM SIGAda Ada Letters' or 'Ada User Journal')

All parameters are optional, except title:

{{cite journal
 |     author = 
 |      title = (required)
 |    journal = 
 |      pages = 
 |     volume = 
 |      issue = 
 |       date = 
 |       year = 
 |      month = 
 |  publisher = 
 |       issn = 
 |        url = 
 |      quote = 
 | accessdate = 2025-02-17

For example, the instantiation:

*{{cite journal
 |     author = Daniel Ramirez
 |      title = Robotics with Ada 95
 |    journal = Circuit Cellar
 |      issue = 212
 |       year = 2008
 |      month = March
 |        url =
 | accessdate = 2009-01-01


{{cite conference}}

All parameters are optional, except title and booktitle:

{{cite conference
 |       author = 
 |        title = (required)
 |   conference = 
 |conferenceurl = 
 |    booktitle = (required)
 |         date = 
 |         year = 
 |        month = 
 |       editor = 
 |       others = 
 |       volume = 
 |      edition = 
 |    publisher = 
 |     location = 
 |        pages = 
 |          doi = 
 |           id = 
 |         oclc = 
 |          url = 
 |       format = 
 |        quote = 
 |   accessdate = 2025-02-17

For example, the instantiation:

*{{cite conference
 |       author = Gaetan Allaert, Dirk Craeynest, Philippe Waroquiers
 |        title = European air traffic flow management: porting a large application to GNU/linux
 |   conference = SIGAda'03
 |conferenceurl =
 |    booktitle = Proceedings of the 2003 annual ACM SIGAda international conference on Ada
 |         year = 2003
 |        pages = 29&ndash;37
 |          doi = 10.1145/958420.958426
 |         isbn = 1-58113-476-2
 |          url =
 |   accessdate = 2009-01-02


{{cite paper}}

All parameters are optional, except title:

{{cite paper
 |     author = 
 |      title = (required)
 |    version = 
 |      pages = 
 |  publisher = 
 |       date = 
 |        url = 
 |     format = 
 |         id = 
 |      quote = 
 | accessdate = 2025-02-17

For example, the instantiation:

*{{cite paper
 |     author = Stephen F. Zeigler
 |      title = Comparing Development Costs of C and Ada
 |       date = 1995-03-30
 |        url =
 |      quote = Our data indicates that Ada has saved us millions of development dollars.
 | accessdate = 2009-01-02


{{cite web}}

All parameters are optional, except url, title, and accessdate:

{{cite web
 |        url = (required)
 |      title = (required)
 | accessdate = 2025-02-17
 |     author =
 |       date = 
 |       year = 
 |      month = 
 |     format = 
 |       work = 
 |  publisher = 
 |      pages = 
 |   language = 
 | archiveurl = 
 |archivedate =
 |      quote = 

For example, the instantiation:

*{{cite web
 |        url =
 |      title = Ada 2005 Becomes Official ISO Standard
 | accessdate = 2009-01-02
 |       date = 2007-03-09
 |  publisher = Ada Resource Association
 | archiveurl =
 |archivedate = 2007-12-08


{{cite newsgroup}}

(NOTE: Use the template {{Ada/Cite cla}} above for citations to 'comp.lang.ada')

All parameters are optional, except title:

{{cite newsgroup 
 |     author = 
 |      title = (required)
 |       date = 
 |  newsgroup = 
 |        url = 
 |      quote = 
 | accessdate = 2025-02-17

For example, the instantiation:

*{{cite newsgroup 
 |     author = Pat Rogers
 |      title = Ada as a real time language
 |       date = 2002-08-28
 |  newsgroup = comp.realtime
 |        url =
 |      quote = you don't need an RTOS to write real-time systems with Ada
 | accessdate = 2009-01-05


  • Pat Rogers (2002-08-28). "Ada as a real time language". comp.realtime. (Web link). Retrieved on 2009-01-05. "you don't need an RTOS to write real-time systems with Ada"