
Overview of all the guides in the wiki book of science show.



These are only guides and can contain both errors and omissions.

Always make experiments in small versions before proceeding to larger quantities where things could become dangerous.

Ask around if you have any doubts before starting. Do not attempt to perform an experiment you do not feel you understand and is qualified to perform -some of the experiments described here contain dangerous materials and the dangers can be subtle.

Prepare yourself before starting and exercise due care! It is not fun science if it is dangerous and chaotically performed.



The table below lists all the guides alfabetically, together with:

  • The status of the guide (fairly complete  , Some omissions  , Safety info ok  , Still sketchy  )
  • How harmless or dangerous it is
  • The level of equipment and practice thats required (household, specialized lab...)
  • An overview of the subjects the experiment relates to.
Science Show Guides and Recipes
Guide Status Safety Level Subjects Comments
Absorption, Transmission and Reflection of Light and Heat   Harmless School Nanotechnology, Physics, Optics, Materials Science How light and heat can pass through some materials and not others
Amorphous Metals   Harmless School Physics, Nanotechnology Bouncing Balls
Anti-static Gun   Harmless Household Physics, Nanotechnology Fun to do at home
Capillary Pressure   Harmless Household Nanotechnology, Physics
Colloidal Sunset   Be careful School Nanotechnology, Physics, Optics Also called Tyndalls's experiment demonstrating Rayleigh scattering
Compact Disc Spectrometer   Harmless Household Nanotechnology, Optics The rainbow in the CD
Diffraction Grating Spectrometer   Harmless School Nanotechnology, Physics, Optics Analyzing the colors
Ferrofluid   Harmless School Physics, Nanotechnology Requires Ferrofluid
Ferrofluid Synthesis   Harmless School Physics, Nanotechnology Requires Ferrofluid
Field Ionization   Be careful School Physics, Nanotechnology Requires Van der Graaf Generator
Fluorescent Dyes   Harmless Household & Laboratory Nanotechnology, Optics, Chemistry Liquids such as quinine give different colors under UV light
Freezing with Liquid Nitrogen   Be careful Laboratory Nanotechnology, Optics, Physics Flowers, water...
Gold Nanoparticle Synthesis   Be careful Laboratory Nanotechnology, Optics, Chemistry Make Red gold (expensive chemicals)
Ion Spray   Harmless Household Physics, Nanotechnology Fun to do at home
Invisible Glass   Harmless Household Optics Fun to do at home
Light Emitting Diodes   Harmless Household Nanotechnology, Microtechnology, Materials Science Different materials give different color LEDs
Liquid Nitrogen   Be careful Laboratory Physics How to handle liquid nitrogen - read this one first!
Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream   Be careful Laboratory Physics Requires Liquid Nitrogen
Liquid Nitrogen Marshmallows   Be careful Laboratory Physics Requires Liquid Nitrogen
Making Clouds with Liquid Nitrogen   Be careful Laboratory Nanotechnology, Physics Requires Liquid Nitrogen
Magnetic Induction in a Tube   Harmless Household Physics
Magnetic Induction in Copper Plates   Harmless Household Physics
Milk and Nanoparticles   Harmless Household Nanotechnology, Optics Show how milk can have many colors
Non-Newtonian fluid   Harmless Household Nanotechnology, Physics Corn starch in water
Nile Blue Fluorescence   Harmless Laboratory Nanotechnology, Optics, Chemistry Beautiful and easy: a blue liquid gives red light when you shine a green laser beam into it.
Oil on Water   Harmless Household PhysicsNanotechnologyOptics Fun to do at home
Plasma Ball   Harmless Household Physics, Chemistry Fun to do at home
Pyrolithic Graphite   Harmless School Physics
Quantized Conductivity   Harmless School Nanotechnology, Physics
Silver Mirror Coating   Be careful School Nanotechnology, Optics, Chemistry Tollens Reagent
Silver Nanoparticle Synthesis   Be careful School Nanotechnology, Optics, Chemistry Make yellow silver
Soap Bubbles   Harmless Household Nanotechnology, Optics, Physics
Soap Films   Harmless Household Nanotechnology, Optics, Physics
Superabsorbing Polymers   Harmless Household Nanotechnology, Physics, Materials Science, Chemistry
Superconductors   Be careful Laboratory Physics, Materials Science
Superhydrofobic Coatings   Harmless Household Nanotechnology, Physics
Supersaturated Sodium Acetate   Harmless Household Nanotechnology, Physics, Chemistry
Transparent Wool   Fairly harmless School Nanotechnology, Optics Requires Benzyl alcohol
Van de Graaff Generator   Be careful School Nanotechnology, Physics High Voltage



There are pages with more info about the different subjects.

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The page for the guide must be named Scienceshow/Guides/Title and added to this list in Scienceshow/Guides.