Scienceshow/Guides/Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream

Purpose edit

This is a template for new guides and recipes. Make a brief statement about the purpose of this specific guide you're making. Remember that no copyrighted material can be added to this book without the authors explicit accept and please ackowledge sources of information and ideas with links to websites and references.

Status for this guide: Finished, Not yet finished, Check recipes...(leave the appropriate)

Safety edit

Safety Class edit

Choose a fitting safety class for this description

  • Too dangerous! (We do not make this experiment because …)
  • Very dangerous (Should only be attempted after careful training)
  • Dangerous - Please be aware of this or the other thing... (Untrained people can do this experiment under supervision and guidance only!)
  • Harmless (The most dangerous thing is this insignificant little petitesse)

Required Safety Equipment edit

  • The show performer: Glasses / Lab coat / Nothing / Fire extinguisher / Wet towel and a bucket of water / Eye flushing bottle
  • Audience/participants: Safety screens / Hearing protection (a finger in the ear is often a help).

Materials edit

You'll need the following - make a list

  • item 1: formula, CAS number, supplier [1], Safety issues (describe the most important ones), Storage, link to safety datasheet

Procedure edit

Preparation time, Performance time, Clean-up time.

Step by step edit

  1. Start by…
  1. End with explaining how to properly get rid of waste products

Alternative methods edit

Other ways to do the experiment

Dangers edit

Now the reader knows the experiment, give a closer description of possible dangers.

  • Important, be aware of…
  • Consider the…

Other Factors edit

What other things can sometimes affect the result of the experiment. Maybe the humidity or cleanliness of the glass ware is an issue.

Show notes edit

What to consider when preparing. How to make it more spectacular. What can be difficult to achieve 'on stage' that normally is easy when practising.

What other experiments are good to that have in relation to this one?

What should you beware of that can make the experiment boring?

Explanation edit

What's taking place edit

Here you can give a more quantitative and mathematical description of what happens. What fundamental laws are involved or demonstrated by this experiment etc. Remember to explain jargon/expressions from the laboratory.

In the real world edit

Do you meet things like this in daily life - give examples!

Uanswered Questions edit

Things we do not yet know and should find an answer to - maybe how it actually works etc.

More Information edit

Remember edit

This is just a guide and it can contain both errors and omissions. Always make experiments in small versions before proceeding to larger quantities where things could become dangerous. Ask around if you have any doubts before starting and do not start on a procedure you do not feel you understand and is qualified to perform.

Image gallery edit