R Programming/Multinomial Models

Multinomial Logit edit

  • mlogit package.
  • mnlogit package
  • Bayesm package
  • multinom() nnet
  • multinomial(), which is used by vglm() VGAM

Conditional Logit edit

  • clogit() in the survival package
  • mclogit package.

Multinomial Probit edit

  • mprobit package [1]
  • MNP package to fit a multinomial probit.

Multinomial ordered logit model edit

We consider a multinomial ordered logit model with unknown thresholds. First, we simulate fake data. We draw the residuals in a logistic distribution. Then we draw some explanatory variable x and we define ys the latent variable as a linear function of x. Note that we set the constant to 0 because the constant and the thresholds cannot be identified simultaneously in this model. So we need to fix one of the parameters. Then, we define thresholds (-1,0,1) and we define our observed variable y using the cut() function. So y is an ordered multinomial variable.

N <- 10000
u <- rlogis(N)
x <- rnorm(N)
ys <- x + u
mu <- c(-Inf,-1,0,1, Inf)
y <- cut(ys, mu)
df <- data.frame(y,x)

Maximum likelihood estimation edit

This model can be estimated by maximum likelihood using the polr() function in the MASS package. Since it is not possible to achieve identification of the constant and the thresholds, R assumes by default that the constant is equal to 0.

fit <- polr(y  ~ x, method = "logistic", data = df)

Bayesian estimation edit

  • bayespolr() (arm) performs a bayesian estimation of the multinomial ordered logit
fit <- bayespolr(y ~ x, method = "logistic", data = df)

Multinomial ordered probit model edit

We generate fake data by drawing an error term in normal distribution and cutting the latent variables in 4 categories.

N <- 1000
u <- rnorm(N)
x <- rnorm(N)
ys <- x + u
mu <- c(-Inf,-1,0,1, Inf)
y <- cut(ys, mu)
df <- data.frame(x,y)

Maximum likelihood estimation edit

The model can be fitted using maximum likelihood method. This can be done using the polr() function in the MASS package with the probit method.

fit <- polr(y  ~ x, method = "probit", data = df)

Bayesian estimation edit

  • bayespolr() (arm) performs a bayesian estimation of the multinomial ordered probit

Rank Ordered Logit Model edit

This model was introduced in econometrics by Beggs, Cardell and Hausman in 1981.[2][3] One application is the Combes et alii paper explaining the ranking of candidates to become professor.[3] Is is also known as Plackett–Luce model in biomedical literature or as exploded logit model in marketing.[3]

Conditionally Ordered Hierarchical Probit edit

  • The Conditionally Ordered Hierarchical Probit can be estimated using the anchors package developped by Gary King and his coauthors[4].

References edit

  1. Harry Joe, Laing Wei Chou and Hongbin Zhang (2006). mprobit: Multivariate probit model for binary/ordinal response. R package version 0.9-2.
  2. Beggs, S; Cardell, S; Hausman, J (1981). "Assessing the potential demand for electric cars". Journal of Econometrics. 17: 1–19. doi:10.1016/0304-4076(81)90056-7.
  3. a b c Combes, Pierre-Philippe; Linnemer, Laurent; Visser, Michael (2008). "Publish or peer-rich? The role of skills and networks in hiring economics professors". Labour Economics. 15 (3): 423–41. doi:10.1016/j.labeco.2007.04.003.
  4. Jonathan Wand, Gary King, Olivia Lau (2009). anchors: Software for Anchoring Vignette Data. Journal of Statistical Software, Forthcoming. URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/.