MATLAB Programming/Advanced Topics/Toolboxes and Extensions

(Redirected from Programming:MATLAB/Psychtoolbox)

Toolboxes and Extensions


In vanilla MATLAB , you may have some difficulties of running certain type of computations yourself . Hence, therefore to make your computation job easier , why not try to use some of the free open source & free toolbox.

*Note that some of the toolbox are developed with the official toolbox from MATHWORKS , hence if you didn't have paid for the toolbox, it may not be working as intended.

*The list here is not exhaustive and you may add them here to promote your own toolboxes that you created yourself.

Legacy Toolboxes

  • GUIDE  allows the creation of interactive user interfaces.
  • Simulink  is for modeling, simulating and analysing systems.


  • Psychtoolbox aids in researching for vision and neuroscience research.
  • EEGLAB aids in processing electrophysiological data
  • Rigbox runs neurophysiological experiments and managing data

Image Processing



Symbolic Toolbox

Image Processing Toolbox 

MATLAB Compiler 

Psychtoolbox is a set of tools that aid in vision research