MATLAB Programming/Fundamentals of MATLAB/MATLAB operator

MATLAB Operator


MATLAB have a few operator types to manipulate shown below
Note: Variables a and b below represents number

Arithmetic Operations


Arithmetic Operator is used as mathematical operator that manipulates the number according to the formula requirement. The result is shown as numbers.

Arithmetic Operator
Addition a + b
Subtraction a - b
Multiplication a * b
Forward division a / b
Backward division a \ b
Exponentiation a ^ b
Assignment a = b

Relational Operations


Relational Operator is used to check if numbers are having any significant relationship with one or another. The results is usually is shown TRUE or FALSE.

Relational Operator
Equal To a == b
Not Equal To a ~= b
Greater than a > b
Greater or equal to a >= b
Lesser than a < b
Lesser or equal to a <= b

Logical Operations


Logical Operator is used to check if number fulfills the logical conditions, the result is usually shown TRUE or FALSE.

Logical Operator
Logical AND a && b
Logical OR a || b
Logical NOT a ~ b

Elementary Mathematics Constants and Functions


Besides mathematical formula, there are a few mathematical constant and function that you can use to make your works in Matlab easier. More information about the functions used can be found here:Mathematical_symbols

pi Returns value of 3.1416 (Note: Ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter)
sqrt(a) Returns square root of a
exp(1) Returns value of 2.7183 This is exponential function
(Note: it is inverse of natural log, try log(exp(1) and see the result)
log(a) This logarithm operator is to find natural number log of a number
log10(a) This base10 log operator is common logarithm for base 10
mod(a,b) or rem(a,b) This modulo operator returns the remainder after a is divided by b.
: (Colon) Generate a sequence
round(a,b) This rounding operator round up to the number to the nearest digit "a" by the significant digit "b"

b > 0: round to a digits to the right of the decimal point.
b = 0: round to the nearest integer.
b < 0: round to a digits to the left of the decimal point.

primes(a) Returns a list of prime numbers less than or equal to number a
gcd(a,b) Returns the greatest common divisors of the number of a and b.
lcm(a,b) Returns the least common multiples of the number of a and b.

Trigonometry Operations

Trigonometry Triangles

The trigonometry formula are given as followed:
Sin α - a / h
Cos α - b / c
Tan α - a / b

sin(α) This sine operator returns sine value of argument in radians
sind(α) This sine operator returns sine value of argument in degree
cos(α) This cosine operator returns cosine value of argument in radians
cosd(α) This cosine operator returns sine value of argument in degree
tan(α) This tan operator returns tangent value of argument in radians
tand(α) This tan operator returns tangent value of argument in degree
deg2rad(α) Convert angle from degrees to radian
rad2deg(α) Convert angle from radians to degrees (Note: Try to convert the pi from radian to degrees)

Matrix Operations

[ ] Container for matrix
, Matrix row separator
; Matrix column separator


randi Random integer