Perspectives in Digital Literacy
Perspectives in Digital Literacy
In theory, ... absolutely everything was available to him,
but that only meant that it was more or less impossible to find whatever it was you were looking for,
which is the purpose of computers.
-Terry Pratchett, The Last Continent.
I. Introduction for Contributors
II. Introduction for Readers: What is Digital Literacy?
III. The Internet and the World-Wide Web: History, Evolution, and Values
IV. Digital Literacy Topics
- Addiction
- Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning
- Cybercrime and Cybersecurity
- Digital Divide
- Digital Labor
- Disinformation
- Filter Bubbles
- Humane Tech Design
- Net Neutrality
- Manipulation
- Misinformation
- Open Culture
- Privacy
- Social Media
- Surveillance
- Surveillance-Attention Economy
- Trolling
- Virality
V. Contributors