Mirad Grammar/Onomatopoeia

Onomatopoeia refers the words in languages that represent sounds as they are heard by the speakers of those languages. They are the noise words you see in comics, such as pow or bang bang. These charts show equivalent sound words in Mirad. Often, they are reduplicated, hyphenated expressions like pop-pop. Any onomatopoetic word can be made into an action verb by suffixing some form of -der, if a human or animal vocalization, or -xer if it is a noise made by an object. Some example:
  • hihi....ha ha
  • hihider....to laugh
  • plop-plop....plop, splat
  • plop-plopxer....to go plop, to go splat

Human Sounds


Consuming food or drink

Language Biting Eating food Drinking Swallowing
English chomp, crunch yum yum slurp gulp
Mirad nyam-nyam, krac-krac yum-yum slup-slup glu-glu

Body sounds

Language Heart-beating Belching Vomiting Coughing Flatulence Sneezing Snoring Yawning
English thump thump burp barf cough cough toot, fart achoo zzzz ho-hum, yawn
Mirad tump-tump brup-brup blug-blug kah-kah hwuf-hwuf acuh-acuh zii-zuu yaa-yaa

Cries of Distress

Language Baby crying Scream Shriek
English wah wah ow, ouch, yeow, eek
Mirad waa-waa awc-awc iik-iik

Expression of Positive Emotions

Language Laughter Kiss
English ha ha mwa
Mirad hihi mwa-mwa

Interrupted Speech

Language Hushing Pausing or thinking
English shh, shush uh, um, er
Mirad xux-xux hum-hum


Language Laughter Kissing Crying
English ha ha mwa boo hoo
Mirad hihi mwa-mwa huhu

Non-human Noises



Language Balloon bursting Canon, gunfire, machine gun Crash Door or floor creaking Engine back-firing Knocking Dull strike Falling strike Sharp strike Wet strike Crunching, cracking (of sticks, bones, etc.)
English pop kaboom, pow, ra-ta-tat wham, bang bam, crash put-put knock knock, tap tap, bang bang, rap bump, thud, thump plop, splat, thunk clang, clink, clank, clunk, chink, dink, tink, plink, ding, ping, conk splash, splish, splosh, splat crunch, crack
Mirad pop-pop bum-bum krax-krax bam-bam pat-pat bang-bang, tap-tap bop-bop, dump-dump plop-plop, slap-slap cink-cink, tink-tink, konk-konk splax=splax, splox-splox, splak-splak krunc-krunc, krak-krak


Language Camera shutter Car engine revving Car horn honking Clock ticking Door bell ringing Keyboard striking Telephone ringing Siren wailing Train whistling
English click vroom vroom beep beep tick tock ding dong, bing bong click clack ring ring, ringaling wee-woo, awooga choo choo
Mirad klik-klik vrum-vrum bip-bip tik-tuk din-don klik-kluk riin-riin ninu-ninu cu-cu

Physical and natural phenomena

Language Electricity flowing Electric shock Fire Rain Thunder Steam hissing Water dripping Wind blowing
English buzz zap crackle pitter-patter crack, kaboom, rumble psss drip drop, plink plonk swish, whizz, wheeze, howl, sigh
Mirad bzuu-bzuu psiit-psiit knit-knut plip-plop bum-bum psii plik plok kxuu-kxuu, hwuu-hwuu

Animal Noises

Animal noises are formed by replacing the final -t of an animal name to a form of -der, eg.:
kapeder....to bark, to bow-wow
fepeder....to meow, to mew
bopeder....to moo
kapyoder....to howl
serpyeder....to hiss
Here is a fuller list. If you replace the final der of the noise word with t, you'll get the animal that produces it.
  • afekpeder....to bray, to hee-haw
  • akorpelder....to chirp
  • akpyader....to squawk, to screech
  • alcerpoder....to bellow
  • anpiader....to quack, to honk
  • anpiyeder....to croak, to rivet
  • ansanpiader....to honk
  • appelader....to buzz, do drone, to thrum
  • apwader....to cockadoodledoo, to crow
  • bopeder....to beloow, to low, to moo
  • bradepiider....to creak
  • bubopoder....to snort
  • cerpoyder....to bleat
  • cihempelder....to chirp
  • dipelader....to buzz
  • ekpeder....to hinny, to neigh, to whinny, to sneer
  • elpoder....to trumpet
  • epleder....to wail
  • famarpoder....to shriek
  • fepeder....to meow, to mew, to purr
  • fepyoder....to growl
  • fumuspoder....to dook
  • gafapader....to crow
  • gafapayder....to cluck
  • gafapaytuder....to cheep
  • gepiader....to cry
  • gipiader....to quack
  • hirpaspader....to squall, to squeal
  • kampoder....to hum
  • mefapader....to gobble
  • stripyader....to hoot
  • urpyoder....to growl, to roar
  • yopyeder....to croak