Mirad Grammar/Acronyms and Abbreviations
edit- Here are some common acronyms in Mirad. Note that in the pronunciation of the Mirad acronyms, the final syllable is stressed.
Acronyms MIRAD ENGLISH ACRONYM PRONUNCIATION EXPANSION ACRONYM EXPANSION UA u-A Uyanmela Anx EU European Union ZUYX zu-u-yu-XU Zamera Umimag Yantexdraf Xob NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization ZKY zu-ki-YU Zea Kotuunyan Yuxlam CIA Central Intelligence Agency DXV da-xu-vu Doebyana Xab bi Vyankex FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation AD a-DA Anxwa Doobi UN United Nations ZN zu-NI Zyamira Neaf WWW World Wide Web DMD da-mi-DA Doebyana Papen Dib FAA Federal Aviation Administration OTT o-to-TO Oyebtayosa Teatien ESP Extrasensory Perception UMY u-mi-YU Uyanmela Mom Yuxlam ESA European Space Agency GZJ ge-zu-JI Grinwic Zea Job GMT Greenwich Mean Time XN xu-NI xag nagonxen FM frequency modulation YY yu-YU yizyalza UV ultra violet
edit- Here are some common abbreviations in Mirad, along with their pronunciation. You will notice that abbreviations are a series of syllables and the last one is stressed.
Acronyms MIRAD ENGLISH Abbreviation Pronunciation Expansion Abbreviation Expansion a.g. a-GE ay gelasi etc. etcetera a.h. a-HE ay hyusi et al. et alia d.d. da-DA diwe dudu RSVP répondez s'il vous plaît g.i. ge-I gwa ig ASAP as soon as possible d.d.w. da-da-WU dodelwo TBA to be announced jaZ ja ZU ja zemaj AM ante meridiem joZ jo ZU jo zemaj PM post meridiem n.j.p. ni-ji-PO nazdwa jwob bi puen ETA estimated time of arrival v.b. vu-BA voy beyafwe n/a not applicable, not available g.t.g. ge-to-GE gay tyawa gel aka also known as