Mandarin Chinese Grammar for Pimsleur Students/Questions



"Yes/No" questions


Final interrogative particle

ma (final interrogative particle)
你是美国人 ? nĭ shì měiguó rén ma? Are you American?
你喜欢茶 ? nĭ xĭhuān chá ma? Do you like tea?
你有小孩儿 ? nĭ yŏu xiăo hái'er ma? Do you have children?


是不是美国人 ? shì bù shì měiguó rén? Are you American?
喜欢不喜欢茶 ? xĭhuān bù xĭhuān chá? Do you like tea?
有没有小孩儿 ? yŏu méi yŏu xiăo hái'er? Do you have children?

"Or" questions

还是 háishì or
你想喝茶还是啤酒 ? nĭ xiăng hē chá háishì píjĭu? Would you like to drink tea or beer?

→ See also: Conjunctions

Question words

ne how about… 你的先生 ? nĭ de xiānshēng ne? How about your husband?
什么 shénme what 你想吃什么 ? nĭ xiăng chī shénme? What would you like to eat?
哪儿 nǎr where, where to 她要去哪儿 ? tā yào qù nǎr? Where will she go?
什么时候 shénme shíhòu when 我们要什么时候去北京 ? wŏmen yào shénme shíhòu qù Běijīng? When will we go to Beijing?
shéi who 他要跟一起 ? tā yào gēn shéi yìqĭ qù Běijīng? Along with whom will he go to Beijing?
几点钟 jī diăn zhōng what time 现在几点钟 ? xiàn zài jī diăn zhōng? What time is it (now)?
她是几点钟到达 ? tā shì jī diăn zhōng dào dá? At what time did she arrive?
多少 duōshăo how much 她有多少钱 ? tā yŏu duōshăo qián? How much money does she have?
一杯葡萄酒多少钱? yī bēi pútaojiŭ duōshăo qián? How much (money) is one glass of wine?